[B19] Cassandra Hardcore

Started by Wanderer_joins, February 17, 2018, 05:24:15 AM

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It's the same threat cycle than Cassandra, so there are on and off cycles.

The Low and High difficulty in the mod settings comes on top of the vanilla's difficulty. It determines how the threat will increase with time and wealth, i'd recommend Low to start with.

Then you can pick your usual difficulty (rough/ intense/ extreme)


Finally got my first raid of 5 raiders.  Its slow, but at least its a start.  Thanks for helping my troubleshoot.


You're welcome, it was my bad with the dropbox files.

I think it's working as intended. There is a built in ramp-up factor (capped) on High, not on Low difficulty. The main drivers of the size of the raids are your wealth and the number of colonists.

So that early game and/or at relatively low population and low wealth the difficulty is similar to vanilla. You can feel the heat when your colony grows and expands significantly.