[C#][Harmony Lib]Harmony dosen't hook constructors

Started by smarrazzo, January 30, 2018, 10:28:35 AM

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After dozens of trials i noticed that harmony can't hook constructors,the standard harmony syntax just don't work:

[HarmonyPatch(new Type[] { typeof(ZoneManager) })]
internal static class Patch_Zone_Growing_Default
static void Postfix(Zone_Growing __instance,ZoneManager z)

or even
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Zone_Growing), ".ctor", new Type[] { typeof(ZoneManager)})]
it keeps throwing method not found exception and its really frustrating.
Someone knows an alternative way to hook constructors with harmony ?
Btw this bug should be fixed or documented properly



yeah, but my class is not abstract and i need to access it only 1 time when the object is created, accessing a with  [HarmonyPatch(typeof(BuildableDef))]  is not the same because harmony will hook the class everytime the given variable is modified and it's not my case of need.


You can tell Harmony to look up a specific method that's passed to it by a variable, using code like so:

using System.Reflection //add this to your using block at the top

    public static class YourPatchClassName
        static MethodInfo TargetMethod()
            var methods = typeof(foo).GetMethods(); // where "foo" is the class you're trying to patch

            foreach (var method in methods)
                if(method.Name == "bar") // where "bar" is the name of the method, or you can change the statement to look up another attribute, like the properties or return type
                    return method;
            throw new Exception("Tried to patch [whatever you're doing] but couldn't find it.");
        // your prefix or postfix or transpiler goes here

(Thanks to some folks on the community Discord and I think ultimately erdelf for this code.)

However in this case I wonder if it might be simpler to hook into whatever it is that's constructing the object in the first place? For instance if you're trying to set the properties of a newly-created growing zone, it might be easier to do so by hooking the designator that creates them.