Very few Raids with Randy

Started by Xybb, February 02, 2018, 03:12:14 PM

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Hi everyone,

it's the first time I have played since Alpha 16 and decided to go for Randy on extreme like I used to. I do use a couple of mods but none of them should (as far as I know) influence the spawn of events. What I noticed is that colony threats are extremely rare. My first colony had about 3 major threats, 2 of them raids within a timespan of about 3 months.

My second colony is on day 36 with only 2 manhunter packs on day 15 and 31, consisting of a single racoon and three wargs. No Raids whatsoever. Is it just my luck or did something change the spawn behaviour since the earlier iterations of the game? Especially the first raid that usually comes as a single person completely missing makes me wonder.


Just lucky. For example, Randy just gave me a summer heat wave followed almost immediately by a volcanic winter a few hours into the heat wave.


It's random, I had four raids in three days, and I have Randy on intense only. Sometimes you have these pauses with nothing major happening, at times I really love them. If you want a lot of action, choose Cassandra/extreme and try to grow your colony population to 20.


People love to point out these chained incidents that happen in randy but I rarely experience those with him. Lets define rarely here.  I won't see them at all in most of my games and I don't normally quit colonies under 7 years. I may get hit with two threats together that's usually it. I've played hundreds of hours with the guy and I have to say the long pauses happen more often than any type of significant threat.

We can chalk it up to random, but you will for the most part not experience a lot of raids over time with Randy IMO. It was more apparent to me when I looked through all the threats in notification archiver. If you're looking for more action then tweak scenario editor, cassandra, or browse through some modded storytellers.


Yeah, I stopped using randy entirely. Fact is, he's boring. Sure there's randomness, never knowing what will happen next, and he COULD hit you with 7+raids in as many days.

But I present this for your consideration: 
1. It's rare for that to happen. Much more common for me has been that... NOTHING happens. At lest nothing worse then a blight. I've had games on randy which went without seeing any combat for a year or more.  I eventually quit those colonies. Because it got boring.
2. When he DOES hit you with a massive wall of pain, death, manhunters, and raids.... Well... that's not even a challenge, it's a slaughter. That's Randy just kicking you when you are down.

I prefer to play on Cassandra, or some of the modded storyteller's for that reason. A certain level of predictability is a GOOD thing. I'll just turn down the difficulty a touch if I want an easier but still entertaining time.


Randy Random is exactly that. If you average out the good and bad events, randy will be easier. Cassandra on the other hand is guiding the events. It is just a matter of time before she builds to the crescendo.


I generally play Randy Rough. I have never had a year without some conflict, manhunter pack/raid/mechanoids so I find that an interesting observation.

I also every now and then play on Cassandra Rough as well. Yes the raids are more constant there is generally always something getting thrown at you. It always seams as though you can handle it though. I am not talking insta death incidents like cargo drop pods landing on a Pawns head or head shot. With Cassandra you are on even ground.

Mods I would recommend:
Mending, Fertile Fields, Smokeleaf Industries and the Giddy Up series.

The Mod you must have:


Thanks for all the responses. If I wanted to edit my Storytellers manually, is there a resource which explains all the settings within the .xml file ?


You can change it during game. Just go settings and storyteller.
Just got to me that you want to complex edit exact storyteller.
Don't know about code list. If there is it's probably there.

Usually contemplating my personal spacetime reality at

Cloud Breaker

I have 250 hours into b18 and its the first time Ive gotten super serious since I got Rimworld years ago.  Ive always played Randy Random Rough / Some Challenge.  Im getting better at Rimworld but im not quite there yet in terms of doing it quickly and getting things together asap, I need a breather.  The latest colony got hit with Cold Snap during the last month of harvest in fall, then came Volcanic Winter and Toxic Fallout all within the same month.  Sometimes I get half a year with just peaceful or netural events and sometimes I get brutalized back to back in quick succession.  Randy Random really lives up to his name.  I like it because its like real life in a sense where everything is unpredictable and anything can happen at any moment.  It adds to the tension knowing anything can happen I think in your case you just happend to have a good spell.  It happens as well as all hell breaking loose in a second with back to back events.  And everything in between.


Quote from: Cloud Breaker on February 03, 2018, 12:54:34 PM
I have 250 hours into b18 and its the first time Ive gotten super serious since I got Rimworld years ago.  Ive always played Randy Random Rough / Some Challenge.  Im getting better at Rimworld but im not quite there yet in terms of doing it quickly and getting things together asap, I need a breather.  The latest colony got hit with Cold Snap during the last month of harvest in fall, then came Volcanic Winter and Toxic Fallout all within the same month.  Sometimes I get half a year with just peaceful or netural events and sometimes I get brutalized back to back in quick succession.  Randy Random really lives up to his name.  I like it because its like real life in a sense where everything is unpredictable and anything can happen at any moment.  It adds to the tension knowing anything can happen I think in your case you just happend to have a good spell.  It happens as well as all hell breaking loose in a second with back to back events.  And everything in between.

I agree, that's why i generally prefer Randy aswell. But the events seemed to just be a little infrequent for my taste, although this feeling may be amplified because I don't like to speed up the game.


Hi guys, I am having the same problem let's say.
Of course the game is up to date to last version now, however playing at medium difficult with Randy, except the initial phase where, with a single event, he threw me 30 pirates at the same time, nothing has happened after hours of game.
I still have freeholder title (gained early at the beginning) but I did not receive further quests to improve it, no cargo pods, ship chunks, escape pods or other.
Is that normal?
I am currently using 3-4 basic mods, like rimhud, common sense, pharmacist..
Cassandra seems much more funny.


You know you can change the storyteller anytime during gameplay, just look at the options.
Randy is like the name say, very random. It can happen that you get 1-2 years just minor or major incidents but no raids.
When you are got incidents like manhunter, toxic,winter,eclipse or anything like this, anything is fine.
Ofcouse you could take a look at the logwindow (need to enable developer mode at the options first) if maybe some errors (red text) happen.


Quote from: Canute on December 15, 2020, 04:40:41 AM
You know you can change the storyteller anytime during gameplay, just look at the options.
Randy is like the name say, very random. It can happen that you get 1-2 years just minor or major incidents but no raids.
When you are got incidents like manhunter, toxic,winter,eclipse or anything like this, anything is fine.
Ofcouse you could take a look at the logwindow (need to enable developer mode at the options first) if maybe some errors (red text) happen.

Hi Canute, after I spent some more hours with litterally nothing, I looked at the logwindow, there are numerous yellow string and this red one:

Could not resolve symbol "1_labelShort" for string "{1_labelShort} faceva precedentemente parte della tua fazione.".

Any ideas?


Yellow are warning, i think at your case the are translation errors.
If you don't mind, try to play at engl.
The translations are allways community based and not developed by ludeon.

But warnings shouldn't have an impact at the gameplay.