World Types

Started by Geared, November 01, 2013, 09:52:24 PM

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TLDR - different world types should be included so that you get a more diverse game play(in an already diverse game) with major game play changes.

I Personal don't own the game or a pre alpha version or anything like that, this was just some i thought of after watching some game play.

Where My Idea Came From (really don't bother reading if you don't want to know my train of thought)
I was reading some of the posts on here and none of them really stated what I thought should be added, some hinted at something similar but not exactly what the idea I had. So I was reading through a lot of Information about the game after I saw a streamer on showing the game. So this took me to the Kickstarter Website which I read through. Here I saw that some of the inspiration for the game came from the Warhammer 40k Universe. In the table top game there are rules for certain War Zone Traits, theses rules hold a battlefield wide effect. I did notice in the KickStarter Website that Biomes are a Proposed Module, my idea covers this in larger way.

Gamplay Changes
So World Types should be selected at the map creation, for example say I pick an Ice Planet, this could mean Minor Changes like Aesthetics so a snowy background may be some other small features. Or you could go with Major Changes, so the coldness of the planet causes the need for warm clothing, this requires you to acquire warm clothing by producing them yourself by some means or buying them of a passing farming trader. If a person stays out in the cold for too long then the get sick, then begin to lose blood to their fingers or toes requiring them to be removed. Solar Panels are less effective (maybe around 10% to 15% or Night times being longer) on this Ice Planet as it is Further from this Solar Systems Sun, this would probably require other power types to be implemented such as Biofuel Power Generation made from excess food and other organic materials around the map. Some plant types struggle to grow in these extreme cold temperature and infertile ground, meaning hydroponics is more important or climate dependent plant types would have to be introduced, buying new seeds from traders or finding them around the map (Maybe fishing or mass fish breeding in massive tanks). Raiders that come to this harsh environment would either be extremely stupid/desperate or professionals that are very well equipped for such a hostile environment. In the Environment, along with thunder storms, blizzards could could be a possibility where everything out side of your settlement is a white out people out in this weather need to be well clothed may get lost or trapped.

This doesn't just stop at Ice Worlds(my example), you could go to deserts, jungles, flat plains etc...

My thinking is that this may give a better story telling experience then Biomes(unless all this is what you had in mind for Biomes) if its all possible.

Thanks for reading and sorry for spelling and grammar errors. Sorry if anyone else has posted something similar to this I did do a quick look around.

Congratulations on getting the KickStarter done!


I jind of get where you are going, and it could be put into the game in a story based way like

'you awake from cold sleep to the ship rocking dangerously and the crew either dead or dying, your pod has malunctioned and you know hope for your own survival is gone'

'You eye the only undamaged pods left three out of *30* with a momentary sense of desperation but you know you lack the experties to take one for yourself'

'The ship rocks again and the synthetic voiced warning finally reaches your ears and ou take a moment to gather yourself and head to the bridge trying unsucsessfully to block out the grewsome images of the dead littering the halls along the way'

'You reach the bridge still in the dark about what exactly caused the situation but determined to use the last of your life to do 'something' even if you truly dont know what yet'

Forcing the partly open door enough to gain entrence you freeze as you find one of the bridge crew alove but dying, there body impailed my a falling piece of debris.

" pilot, I.. i have acvt" the crewman is interupted by an intense round of wet sounding coughs but still forces themselves on

"Activated the... autopilot, you nee.. need to set a... a destination!"

You watch silently as the light slowly fades from there eyes feeling oddly hollow knowing you will likely soon join them.

"Sca.. scanned the closest ha.. ha... habitable planets... just... select.... on..."
... ... ...

Ok that took on a bit of a mind of its own... and was slightly darker than i was going for but you get the just i Suppose lol


Yeah kinda like selecting the destination of the escape pod, which determines what type of planet you land on


I rather have world types meaning different map features are changed or even mutated.

A good example of what I am saying are world types like

Dark Worlds


Raiders are then transformed into those night monsters, etc.

Solar generators are useless, and I'd like to see generators that run off that uranium and whatever else.