Left Edge screen scrolling/Resource readout buttons

Started by Uuugggg, February 08, 2018, 09:48:32 AM

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This isn't a bug as much as a clash of design being annoying enough to post in a bug forum:

If you've got your resource readout categorized, and screen-edge scrolling, and you go to the arrow to open/close a category,

the map scrolls left. The edge-screen scrolling starts a good 10 pixels from the edge. Now, it doesn't scroll left nearer the top of the screen... which makes me realize you can't scroll diagonally. That's probably a bug too. This probably also means I never really edge-screen scroll if I didn't notice that. I'm gonna turn that off now and see how it goes.

But edge-screen-scrolling is dumb and scrolls when your mouse is over your resource readout.