Torturing system

Started by SiberKedi, January 31, 2018, 05:41:16 AM

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i think adding a new tortu... mmmh asking nicely system would be pretty good.


when you create a new world most of the enemy bases will be hidden and in a raid when you capture someone your doctor can go and ask him nicely and if he/she dosen't talk doc will use his melee skill to get information about bases.This will reveal 1 - 2 bases if the melee skill is low but when doc's melee skill increases the revealed base count will increase too.Like going up to 6 - 7 bases in 15 -16 melee skill.after each torture doc's melee skill will increase and if the treats the cuts medicine skill will go up too

---------------New Traits---------------

#you can add new traits which;
-will talk easily and causes no trouble
-won't talk easily,hard to break


#after the torture cuts will appear and;

-if doc treats it well this will give  -5 "innocent prisoner tortured"  mood debuff to your colonists

-if doc dosen't treat it raider can bleed out.this can be occur even in the 15+ melee-doctor skill  and you know this will anger the enemy faction and give "innocent prisoner died" mood debuff to your colonists

----------------Advantages --------------------

#you'll get the base locations to raid them
#precious item locations


#rarely,like %0.2 of the time there is a chance that raider will take out his handcuffs or the rope on his/hers hands,hurt your doc and try to escape.After here the ol' escape event will occur if there are other prisoners who waits to be tortured or waiting someone to take his/hers organs  they will try to break out together
your doc can die in the escape or he/she can survive if treated well

Call me Arty

 Or, y'know, we could just make it so you only know about bases that visit/raid you, or reveal them all once you get comms online and you can just call them. Not sure if we need to add torture to the lists of things we can do, since we can already burn a whole family, their kittens, and their baby chickens in their own room and then eat what's left.
Also, if we can talk convicts into abandoning their friends, then we could probably just, y'know, badger them into telling us where they live.
Finally, there are a lot of backstories for medicine that either gimp or entirely remove doctor's ability to do combat. It would be like a job that relied on intellectual and animals.
Why are you focusing on having a personal life rather than updating a mod that you're not paid to work on?

If there's a mistake in my post, please message me so I can fix it!


If there has to be any kind of torture in the game, it has to be ridiculously effective - in both ways.

Lets say, torturing is a new mode for prisoners. Whilst this is active the next best guard comes for the prisoner and beats the shit out of him. This raises a "torturing bar" or adds a hediff "tortured", plus some random injuries. Whilst having this hediff, there are 3 things able to be happening, with increased chances, the higher the torture level is:

1. The Prisoner talks. This talking could be split in minor, major and complete talking. If this happens he is offering you his secrets. A minor is something common like a camp location. Major is a hidde treasure. Complete is both. If torture coninues after a complete talking, prisoner dies.
2. The Prisoners breaks. After breaking, the prisoner becomes a slave or something Stockholmian. He is associated with his master(somethign like being married), he doesn't get negative mood from rooms and clothing, negative values on any creative tasks and huge buffs from social interacting with his master. Whenever he gains a tantrum, he turns normal again.
3. The Prisoner dies. Well he is dead afterwards

The backside of torturing is that everyone who ain't a slaver or a sociopath, doesn't like torturing. This means, that every torturer gets a huge chance of mental breaking himself if not a sociopath, everyone gets negative relations with him and everyone gets a stacking debuff for torturing in common, which increases chance on social fighting between colonists and mental break.

If you're a sociopath, you can torture people to death or make them your slaves. Otherwise, you better not do this.

"The earth has only been lent to us,
but no one has said anything about returning."
-J.R. Van Devil

Call me Arty

 So, we have the option of convincing them to tell us about a camp or a place full of treasure (despite us already getting random requests to destroy camps and treasure locations), you can make the prisoner someone who works for you colony ( ● Chat and Recruit), or you could kill them if recruiting doesn't succeed (prison break/ ● Execute).
   I don't mean to crap all over your ideas, it's just that this sounds like a more complicated version of the existing prisoner system, just extra cruel. Why not have raiders with more rivals than family or friends give you information once recruited, as appreciation for you "saving them"?
Why are you focusing on having a personal life rather than updating a mod that you're not paid to work on?

If there's a mistake in my post, please message me so I can fix it!

sick puppy

all seems kinda like mod territory to me

still dont know what this would add to the base game