The Colony of Cooks Ridge- part 1, the plan

Started by BatCon14, March 07, 2018, 03:42:34 PM

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It was an extremely cold winter day and as Guts stepped out into the frigid air, he shivered. He took a long draw of his cigar and looked into the distance, he had gotten wind of this tribal attack and as the leader of the colony had put defenses up as a precautionary measure. He saw them sitting around their campfires the outlines of their savage people against the horizon. He promised himself that day they would all perish. He pulled his fur cap farther down over his ears and walked towards the prison compound, tightly gripping the handle of his ak-47.

As he walked into the small compound death was all around him, the colonists did not respect tribals so therefore they were forced into slavery. Also the colonists never picked up the dead, they didn't think the tribals worthless bodies were worth the extra effort so they left them to rot in the compound, they deserved it; right? Guts walked into the small control room and turned on the auto turrets, suddenly they all came to life whirring about and watching out for any enemies that dare cross their path. Guts sat down in the muffalo wool chair, reached into his pocket, grabbed a cigar, and lit it. Now he played the waiting game; he knew the tribals would attack soon and he knew they would attack here first. After a few minutes of waiting he heard pounding on the door, the hinges rattled and the wood splintered; dozens of tribals poured through but were cut down by the barrage of despair and death. Guts got up and watched the carnage with consent, knowing he had done well. A tribal charged him but was cut down by his trusty ak-47 (fun fact that ak-47 has been passed down through my colony for 3 years) the last of the tribals were trapped and gunned down with no remorse. Now that the attack was over it was back on the daily routine, pick up the bodies, capture the wounded, feed any who tried to run to the dogs. They were simple tasks, but quite enjoyable. After the cleanup was done Guts walked back to the colony, the colony he had built by himself, the colony that had survived for 10 years, the colony that had been through 27 raids, and killed over 200 people, the bringer of death, the fortress of fortitude, the colony of Cooks Ridge. Guts walked through the back entrance and passed Wallis as he walked towards the launch pods. He turned the corner and passed the workshop sparks flying everywhere as the resident colony mechanic Chinchilla worked on a new lever action rifle. Guts pushed open the steel door and into the rec room, it was an enjoyable place with its own TV, poker table, and pool table. Also with a beer fridge and cigar closet. He sat down on the muffalo wool couch and opened his cold beer. Things had been going great lately and because of the new slaves they had "employed" there would be an influx of resources from their quarry. He let his head fall back as his dog Europa came and laid down at his feet.

He woke up in the morning still on the couch and got up, he still had responsibilities and had to get to work. He walked into the conference room with a hot cup of coffee and waited for all the colonists to arrive, eventually all 11 of the other colonists filed in and Guts briefed them on what the deal was."Alright guys listen up," he said "We're running extremely low on components so we will have to send out an expedition to go to another area and excavate all the components there ." Guts looked around and saw the distaste in the colonists eyes, the last time they went on an expedition 3 people were stranded without any food far away from home and ended up killing and eating each other. Guts spoke again saying "The people that I have selected for this mission are as follows; Sam, Grim, and myself." Everyone gasped as they did not expect Guts to go along with them on this dangerous but rewarding mission. Guts quieted down the room and spoke one more time "This is a high risk mission, bring 7 tents, as much pemmican to last us one month, a personal cooker, all the muffalos, the dogs, and extra supplies like cigars and beer." They all knew the plan and packed up for the journey that awaited them, Guts dawned his pantherskin duster and placed his fur cap atop his head. He loaded his ak and put a single cigar in his pocket. The caravan stopped outside the perimeter wall of the colony and looked back, they all waved goodbye, and with Guts on point. They ventured off into the unknown.

Hello there traveler, I see you have read the whole story and would like to applaud you. Please keep in mind everything in this story actually has happened to me, everything that you may find unbelievable was accomplished by using mods. If demand is high enough I will include a list of all the mods I used and you may judge yourself. Now I must be off fair sir (tips hat).

Sincerely, Bat

P.S the whole slave thing was accomplished by using the locks and prison labor mod