Trophies (of the "previously alive" variety)

Started by Call me Arty, February 28, 2018, 10:02:19 PM

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Call me Arty

 You kill a lot of things in Rimworld, and there's a lot of history behind those killings. The time that one of your pawns killed a pirate boss after having their eyes torn-out, when your greatest soldier was slain by a mighty Centipede (who wasn't so good against a wall of turrets), the first bear a young hunter was able to kill by themselves. . . and what do we have to show for it? The meat from that kill is going into a meal that's going to be gone in a week (assuming they weren't either a human or giant bug, ew), chances are you won't have enough fur or leather for a full coat, and once you butcher or bury your kill, it's gone.

I propose a way to remember these events in a form more grand and braggadocious than the off-chance you get the right art description or an above-average hat. Trophies! Simply mark a corpse for conversion (this is kinda my first draft, so that's currently my best idea on how to make them), bring the organics to the butchering table and the automatons to the machining bench, and boom! That elephant's head is going right in the main dining hall, right next to the warg and megaspider. A band of marauders giving you trouble? Show them how afraid you are, mount their boss's head on the front door between your mines and turrets! Do your pawns need a reason for building that power armor? A Scyther's beady optical sensors watching them as they work ought to give them a reason.

I, personally, think the trophies would fit well into the game. The wide majority of pawns already have assets for their head in the case, something shoots or bites it off, so it's not like anybody needs to put any extra sleepless nights into making sure every animal has a proper bust. There's a pretty significant lack of decorations in the game, so a head on a wall would go a long way. The same basic concept could add a lot to the feel or personality of a colony, too. A group of vicious, war-like cannibals would probably enjoy having some hapless caravaneer's domes mounted on a wall. A tribe might want to show it's progress and power by the things they were strong enough to fight, from boars, to wargs, to even the mythical or mechanical. It's grim, sure, but if you keep a lot of different animals in different locations, a quick glance at what head's hanging over the barn would be a lot more efficient than clicking through zones or stockpiles.

As far as non-aesthetic reasons to make them? I don't really see a lot. Really, decorations would be enough (beauty based on animal health/wildness to represent how impressive it was to kill?).

So, do you guys like my idea? How would you improve on it?

TL;DR: Mark a corpse for conversion into a trophy, which will become a decorative piece of furniture that you can mount on walls.
Why are you focusing on having a personal life rather than updating a mod that you're not paid to work on?

If there's a mistake in my post, please message me so I can fix it!

Yoshida Keiji

It looks totally possible.

When sending your artist to craft a sculpture, replace sculpture with other type of arts and then allow the player to choose from the Colony recorded history instead of the random choice made by the game. And according to which type of memory is selected, it gives a specific type of effect. For example a wedding memory gives mood boost besides the already existing joy and a victory memory improves combat if the fighters are within sight range.

Other arts besides sculptures could be animal fur mattresses, songs, armor looking like their original fur animal, helmet using a wolf head.

sick puppy

i am pro skins, contra everything else. the game is already pretty well balanced. as said before, no need for the best players to have to have a noah's ark of chuck testa to be able to keep up with the strongest of waves.

that said, if this would only be added as a visual treat for players, then you might aswell make it a mod and not vanilla, as there are already mods out there that improve rimworld's looks in various ways, be it snow on trees or more moustaches.