[B18] WIP Cosmetic Aliens

Started by Bones, May 30, 2018, 12:04:28 PM

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I'm working on a mod for myself and I think this might interest others.

The idea is to have a lot of different races in one single mod and that alien race is like humans so no racial advantages, advanced factions, weapons, items and techs would be added to the mod. Also remove any restrictions to that race like apes and apini couldn't wear normal clothes.

So it is really just cosmetic. I've made a reddit thread to talk about it here (https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/8mtfto/cosmetic_alien_races/)

So far I've tried Rimworld of the Apes, Logann, Apini and Asari but there is still further modifications that I need to do. I want to make their factions identical to either Outlanders or Tribes and later make a faction that contains all races.

Using the Faction Control mod then you can choose which faction to appear in your world.

I'm also going to make it compatible with Combat Extended and hopefully RSBE.

The most important part of this mod is get permission from all modders which we are going to use their races because with no permission I can't release it for the public.

So here we can make a list of the alien races we would like to add and if you are one the modders or you know them and can get the permission it will really help.

Confirmed to be in:

Race list I've modified so far:
Rimworld of the Apes (Asked for permission)
Logann (Asked for permission)
Apini (Asked for permission)
Asari (Asked for permission)

Race list I plan on modifying:
Xenn (Same as Logann)
Ferrex (Same as Logann)
Crystalloid (Asked for permission)

Said no:
Beast Man Tribes

EDIT1: Got my first okay with the author of Cactaceae. (Thanks Hivemind!)
EDIT1: Got my second okay with the author of Ferian. (Thanks Bichang!)


Got two yes so far, two said no and most are not replying.

I guess I can try taking a different approach with the mod. I can make a separated mod with no part of other mods in it and so instead it will patch existing race mods to modify them according.

This way I'm distributing them and I think I won't need any permissions, it will be a lot harder however.