What Mods Has Beta 19 Obsolesced?

Started by bigheadzach, September 05, 2018, 02:35:06 PM

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I think I saw a thread like this on Reddit but it quickly fell off the Hot list. I think this one's worth keeping up towards the top (or maybe sticky-ing?)

Feel free to add to this list as you recognize them, with context if it's needed. Also corrections if I'm wrong about something.

Fully Implemented (stop using entirely)

  • Fresh Stockpile Filter
  • Stack Merger
  • Rainbeau's Basic Bridges
  • Rainbeau's Smooth Stone Walls
  • I Can Fix It!
  • Aim Incendiary Anywhere
  • Better Chain Shotgun
  • Parasite Tends Matter
  • Plant Cutting Is For Growers
  • Skill Overhead
  • Tropical Foraging
  • Butchering Spot
  • Cooks Can Refuel
  • Snowy Trees
  • Lush Meadow
  • Double Sleeping Spot
  • Number 22 With Rice
  • Sun Tzu Raider Tactics
  • Minigun Handling Techniques
  • How Much Longer My Muse?
  • Just Ignore Me Passing
  • Allow Deadman's Apparel - the one that adds the filter, not the one which removes the debuff altogether
  • Patchwork Leather - game now provides blended leather
  • Permadeath Name Fixer
  • Stuffed Floors
  • Better Rewards
  • Efficient Light

Mostly Implemented (discontinue unless you need/prefer the remaining features)

  • Wildlife Tab - missing the section which outlines health / pregnant / manhunter conditions & injuries
  • While You're Up - algorithm behaves slightly differently
  • Hand Me That Brick - the new "Lite" version allows toggling of prioritization of construction-facing haul jobs
  • Minify Everything / Miniaturisation - more objects can now be reinstalled without mods, but not all of them
  • Animal Tab - comes down to whether you like the new interface versus Fluffy's
  • Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering - game now has these things, it's your preference
  • Rah's Bionics and Surgery Expansion - game now has these things, it's your preference
  • Better Workbench Features/Improved Workbenches - game now has these things, it's your preference

Marginally Implemented (should keep using despite)

  • Allow Tool - the Mass Forbid/Select tools got added but everything else is still useful to have.
  • VGP Fabric - Leathers are blendable now but the rest of the mod is still needed.

Fluffy (l2032)

Stack Merger was fully implemented as well.


rainbeaus smooth walls and bridges mods functions have been integrated into the base game.
Also the allow tool mod has other things to offer but the mass allow/forbid parts of its features was added as well.
No idea if all of better workbench management mod has been, but critical aspects of it have.
Patchwork leather/textiles mods are part of vanilla now
notification archiver has been integrated
minify everything as well
Hand Me That Brick Lite released for RimWorld version 1.0! Since HMTB has been integrated into vanilla RimWorld, HMTB Lite does very little:

- Haulers will haul to constructions frames and blueprints at a higher priority than general hauling
- Adds a toggle for Hand Me That Brick behaviour built into the Work tab. This also works with Fluffy's WorkTab mod.
- Fixes a bug where pawns will "haul resources" to buildings that do not have a resource requirement (such as simple graves)
animal logic Added:
(Optional) Configurable animal hauling efficiency.
(Optional) Configurable tameness decay threshold.
(Optional) Configurable training decay speed.

Removed (now vanilla):
Adds rename button for animals.
Tags bonded and pregnant animals in caravan and trade interfaces.
Pack-able animals without a load will be considered a sellable chattel by the caravans.
Unforbids slaughtered animals.
When allowed zone is changed animals react immediately instead of after the end of the current task.
Minor starvation (below 60%) cannot cause miscarrying.
Pet type animals (all which can be starting pet) and bonded animals do not disturb sleep.
(Optional, default off) Mitigates wildness penalty for training (but not taming) animals with high wildness.
(Optional) Animals (wind included) have greater chance to fight back when attacked in melee



I believe the wildlife tab is also missing the logo showing when an animal is in man-hunter mode that the mod had.

Minify everything would still be needed to minimize "EVERYTHING", vanilla does most things now.

Better Workbench Management still has/had some slightly better features.
-linking bills
-copying all bills
-pasting filters/settings between bills for similar (but not the same) items
-and perhaps some filtering?

I asked in Dingo's thread because I'm not sure, but is "Cooks can refuel" now in vanilla?


and Me That Brick Lite released for RimWorld version 1.0! Since HMTB has been integrated into vanilla RimWorld, HMTB Lite does very little:

- Haulers will haul to constructions frames and blueprints at a higher priority than general hauling
- Adds a toggle for Hand Me That Brick behaviour built into the Work tab. This also works with Fluffy's WorkTab mod.
- Fixes a bug where pawns will "haul resources" to buildings that do not have a resource requirement (such as simple graves)


Anybody knows is this the case for Vanilla Animals Overhaul?
The thread here is pretty much dead and I haven't been able to test animals in b19 yet.


It's true that you don't need Stuffed Floors anymore if you play very close to vanilla (unless you're really in need of floors made from jade, uranium, or plasteel), but Stuffed Floors isn't at all obsolete. Even if it didn't add a ton of great aesthetic options for flooring, it was very useful for mods that add new stuff materials without accompanying floor options. This is especially clear if you're playing with the newly-updated Expanded Woodworking mod.


- Bookmarked -

replied to save for future reference


Quote from: Palladine on September 08, 2018, 02:10:08 AM
It's true that you don't need Stuffed Floors anymore if you play very close to vanilla (unless you're really in need of floors made from jade, uranium, or plasteel), but Stuffed Floors isn't at all obsolete. Even if it didn't add a ton of great aesthetic options for flooring, it was very useful for mods that add new stuff materials without accompanying floor options. This is especially clear if you're playing with the newly-updated Expanded Woodworking mod.

I agree, as a newcomer to rimworld I noticed a major difference once I added stuffed floors in b19. Previous I had extra menu tabs (e.g More floors extra floor tab) as well as floors all over the place in other menus. Adding stuffed floors consolidated this and has made it vastly easier.

I'm not sure what functionality from stuffed floors has apparently been included in Vanilla, but with my experience, the mod contributes a lot of QoL in its own right (especially with other mods).

Fluffy (l2032)

Quote from: Amak on October 09, 2018, 08:30:06 PM
Quote from: Palladine on September 08, 2018, 02:10:08 AM
It's true that you don't need Stuffed Floors anymore if you play very close to vanilla (unless you're really in need of floors made from jade, uranium, or plasteel), but Stuffed Floors isn't at all obsolete. Even if it didn't add a ton of great aesthetic options for flooring, it was very useful for mods that add new stuff materials without accompanying floor options. This is especially clear if you're playing with the newly-updated Expanded Woodworking mod.

I agree, as a newcomer to rimworld I noticed a major difference once I added stuffed floors in b19. Previous I had extra menu tabs (e.g More floors extra floor tab) as well as floors all over the place in other menus. Adding stuffed floors consolidated this and has made it vastly easier.

I'm not sure what functionality from stuffed floors has apparently been included in Vanilla, but with my experience, the mod contributes a lot of QoL in its own right (especially with other mods).

Technically it was Architect Sense that got a lite version included in vanilla. Stuffed Floors still does the same; clean up floors categories a bit, and generate floors for stuffed materials (e.g. stone, wood, metals) in the core game and any added by mods. The game now ships with a few more pre-made versions of floors included, but still doesn't generate them for all stuffs. Stuffed Floors is definitely not obsolete.