Idea for Longterm play

Started by JDM, April 15, 2018, 02:52:52 PM

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I am playing Rimworld for quite some time now and one thing that always botherd me is that you can't save your pawns and send them to another planet( all you have done is lost).
So my idea is that somebody build a menu there your pawns , Gear und animals can stay( somthing like a mothership).
I think that is possible  to make such a menu ( something like the menu of the mood"prepare carefulliy")
plz tell me that you think about this


there is a mod that allows you to start with same colonist on new world


i know this mod but thats not what i meant.
The point of my idea is that you can gather hundreds of kolonists classifie them and send a selected group down on another planet with gear you had stored earlyier and also send your people with tranport pods anytime back to the mothership.