Game does not load, harmony errors, can't identify mod.

Started by crazybmanp, April 18, 2018, 10:51:57 PM

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Here is my log uploaded to gist. I'm not sure how i can identify what is causing this, it is from the main menu.


Seems the game tries to load textures from the wrong thread and judging by the massive number of failed loads its probably due to an earlier problem. The first problem in the log file tells you that the entry <li Class="KillFeed.KillFeedGameComponent" /> can not be loaded because the mod is missing. Try deleting the entry from your save file.


ok so thats one of the many issues sorted. i'll post an updated version of the log here:

so it would sound like all of this is caused by whatever mod is causing those harmony patch failures?


Try removing the mod "SS Bigger Batteries" it uses the harmony version while all other mods use . Maybe thats a problem for HugsLib.


Humanoid Alien Races 2.0 just got updated because it caused harmony errors. Maybe that fixes it.


ok, so the humanoid alien races update seems to be what stopped me from getting into the game. i do have several (apperantly) noncritical errors that i could still pass on to mod devs. If anyone is still interested in parsing through my logs here is the newest (least buggy) version: (i will try without ss bigger batteries soon, and report that)


The log just got 3 XML errors, some config errors both you can report to the proper mod topic/author if you can identify the mods.

The Def-linked translation error are more or less harmless.

You use
-Minified Stuff
doesn't they do the same ? And i know from Minify everything that serveral minified item's can cause problems with loading maps.