Stony campfire

Started by ethouiche, April 22, 2018, 11:25:45 AM

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Stony campfire

Adds a stone camp fire.

  • can be extinguished(no fuel will be used, but you cant cook, heat, nor light the room)
  • wont disappear when out of fuel.
  • shows fire overlay accordingly (no fire when extinguished).
  • glows accordingly.
  • heats accordingly.
  • toggles gather spot accordingly.

Git :
Steam :


Added :
- extinguishing and lighting up sounds
- extinguishing and lighting up motes
Now working :
- bills
- refuel  ::)

It is possible to make your pawn endlessly loop, trying to light up the campfire while there is no fuel in it. That may be a feature.


Nice art style. It blends well with vanilla Rimworld.


Hi! Thanks for sharing this mod here, I was hoping to see a non-steam version when I saw it while lurking there the other day. However, I keep getting a bunch of red errors upon loading up with this mod (multiple "Could not load UnityEngine.Texture2D at UI" ones). They seem fairly harmless, I haven't had any errors loading my save files after closing the error console, but I didn't know if you had knowledge of this or not.  :)


*LOVE* the look of your campfires!

I'd love to see you take a crack at a similar version of torches as well.


Updated :
The camp fire used to heat way too much.