[B18] Bad People

Started by Avius, April 23, 2018, 10:55:19 AM

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Hi guys!

I'm finishing mod named Bad People that will generally turn people who does bad thing to bad people, that don't care about their actions (something similar to Psychopath or Cannibal trait). This will also include turning into cannibals if pawn is forced to eat human eat for some time etc.

I'm having a problem with listing all actions that will shift people "attitude" or "goodness". Currently I have this list:

List of actions performed that generate good attitude

  • Releasing prisoner (Colony)
  • Accepting refugee (Colony)
  • Rescuing drifter (Individual)

List of actions performed that generate bad attitude

  • Executing Prisoner (Colony, Individual x2)
  • Selling Prisoner (Coms-console user)
  • Killing relatives (Killer)
  • Being hold as prisoner (Prisoner)
  • Organ harvested (Patient)
  • Harvesting organs (Doctor)
  • Attacking allies (Colony)

List of thoughts that are nullified by bad trait

  • Executing prisoner
  • Selling prisoner
  • Innocent prisoner dies
  • Harvesting organs from prisoners

I would like you to give some thoughts, or to point something that I could miss out


Maybe the attitude generation should be affected with proffesion level f.e. high level doctor should not feel bad for harvesting organ or at least not that much because well, he knows its going to help someone, but should get debuff when someone sells organs to merchant


I like this idea. Reminds me Karma system from Fallouts.


good attitude:

-have a very impressive prison (Colony)
-treat guests (Doctor)
-rescue/ treat wild animals (injury not caused by your faction to prevent exploits) (Colonist/ Doctor)

Slaugveng Moriar

good attitude:

-organ transplantation
- high quality of medical care

bad attitude:undressing guests and taking their clothes away
