[B18] (WIP) Diplomacy!

Started by Khaligufzel, May 06, 2018, 10:50:39 AM

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Hello guys!

It's time to reveal on what I'm working right now as my second mod after RimStory:


IMO faction interactions are kinda limited right now. I want to make Rim World alive!
With Diplomacy mod factions will fight each other, gain and lose allies and try to dominate the Rim World.
Your colonists can decide who to help, or just do nothing and observe how Rim World politics change.
You and other factions will be able to send negotiators, supplies and spies.

But beware, if you choose to do politics, other might try to destroy your colony!

Mod is in very early stage, but I'm open to your suggestions! :)


Cool, I've always seen rim politics as... lame.
What does this do exactly? Like uhh.... gimme a scene, an example if you will

-Insert Witty Joke Here-


Help a faction to conquer the world, or conquer the world self ! :-)

My idea are:
each world tile can have an ownership.
A colony got 2-5 tile range to claim ownership.
An outpost got 1-2 tile range.
You can setup outpost, and assign your pawn's to that outpost.
Outpost don't need food unless they are on perma winter or too hot area.
But outpost's arn't colonies, you don't need to build or manage them directly.
You create them with caravan, transfer pawn's to it, thats it.

An attack to an outpost trigger a world event, you can send a caravan to help. Or take command over the stationary pawns.


I think the game Democracy 3 would give you a lot of ideas : https://store.steampowered.com/app/245470/Democracy_3/

I'm not asking to have any political party, nope but stuff like simple policies like this


I'd start a new colony just for this. Will definitely be a must have when it comes out.
I'll shoot your colonists...After a long nap.


maybe factions gain or lose 'faction traits' based on their disposition, which can dictate what type of policies they pursue - whichever you decide to add. Attacking a base is an example of maybe a Raider faction trait, or taking slaves of slaver faction, or trade disposition traits so it costs you less to request caravans or they carry specific items.

Possibly unrelated but placement of sentries on world map allowing factions to see whether an attack is incoming.


That's sounds neat. But first I need to check how hard it would be to implement :)

I love that game. And I really, really like your idea. Policies would add more depth to the game.
I will add policies. If not in this mod, Im gonna do another one with policies only :)

I hope it will turn out good :)

Im kinda working on something like this atm, but 'faction traits' it's a much better approach IMO, Im definitely gonna inlude this in my mod.

Thanks again for GREAT ideas guys!


Diplomacy sounds great, it will definitely have a place on my mods list. :)


In case you still may want one day to add policies, I've stumbled on a game that tied policies with unlocking technologies.


It will impact the mood and health of our pawns based of their traits and needs. When you make a choice you cannot unlock other stuff or change it in Frostpunk.


Definitely a mod to follow this one. Would be great to simulate diplomacy and the rest of the like in RimWorld. Good luck with the mod!


Wow, your suggestions guys are great!
Now I'm kinda want to do two seperate mods, Diplomacy! and Policies! :D

As soon when I will be back from hospital I will continue Diplomacy! :)


Hospitals need rental laptops for playing light games & browsing the web...
It's sad autism's an insult, then i must be an insult.
and my cat also must be an insult, as well as every other cat in the universe.
space cats.



Any update on this mod yet? When it's finished it's one I would really like to try.  :)