[Question/ModRequest]Raid value/points

Started by tonsrd, May 10, 2018, 06:10:21 AM

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is there a mod that sets the max points / max pawns in a raid ?

ive added mods ( star wars ) that increases the the weapons and armour of the pawns attacking both in defence values and silver value,.

I know there's story tellers that increase the size of raids, Pandora dark to name one.

is there a mod that increases the value of a raid ( drugs / carry items )

-asking freindlys for help do they send 1k points worth or do they send x silver worth ( request cost ) or do they send the value of the raid that's currently attacking ?


glitter tech is elite mod dude. there is  a commando named faction. heavy weapons and very heavy (%110 sharp reduce) armor they've got. i have been ganked over +34 commandos before my colony ends. but i edited that mode for my own like


I mean something that gives "raids" bionics / drugs

better readiness check can change the "raid points" for wealth /colonist ive found. but nothing else.

Star Wars > GT
currently running 100-150 mods on an laggy 8yo PC ( 15factions and counting on map )