1.0.1930 - Suggestion - Mood increase (Resurrections)

Started by VortecusMaximus, June 10, 2018, 08:31:12 PM

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So, if a colonist dies, other colonists get upset. If they are resurrected, the mood decrease from them being dead are wiped, but the negative thoughts of witnessing the death still linger. Shouldn't there be a happiness boost for all colonists (except for their rivals) when they get resurrected and maybe a bigger increase in mood if the colonist is a friend > relative > partner? Thoughts?

There's also the fact that a corpse can be brought back to life even if the head is completely destroyed, which I think shouldn't be possible, limbs are completely replaced as well. I personally think that's OP, and you should only be able to bring them back if their brain is intact - and if you bring them back, and they're missing all or some of their limbs, then you should have to attach some peg legs and steel arms onto them - or bionics. Thoughts?


This could also pave the way for the first £4.99 DLC, "Cloning"! Being able to upload colonists' consciousness to a computer storage, and make artificial AI "brains" that you can then implant into a brainless clone in a clone-vat to bring any dead colonists back. The computer would obviously use loads of power, and create loads of heat that you have to deal with. Definitely late-game stuff.


Suggestions like this are great, but if it's not related to anything in the test build it should go in the main Suggestions forum. I'll move it there now, thanks.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog