Got to love those random moments that rimworld throws at you

Started by kingy10005, June 04, 2018, 08:54:54 AM

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So my people are safe in there base double thick walls having a party when out of no where raiders drop in from the sky in to my rec/dinner area and start smashing every thing up  :o

lucky for me the pods take some time to open so i rush every one behind a door way just before they open and get ready to fight  :D

we manage to beat them all up and dont get to beaten shame about my master table though ......  ::)

[attachment deleted due to age]


Yeah, that why the devs add Droppod attacks and infestions, to smash home parties !
And thats why other people made mods for droppod proofed Roof's :-)


Don't forget the part where a psychic or a poison ship crashes inside your colony's potato farm!

And the part where it had Two Centipedes and after destroying the poison ship getting another raid by mechanoids with three Centipedes this time...

Oh Randy Random i have alot of hate and love including admiration to your randomness.  :D

Good thing i have those three good quality sniper rifles with my best shooters and tactical maneuvering.

One "happy family" in the rims...
Custom font made by Marnador.


hehe i had a poison ship happen last time it didn't end well my people didn't live to tell the tail wish they would wonder off after some time but nope they stay around till nothing is left alive  :P

just reminded me to start building a panic room for emergency situations  ;D


Today I got a double raid from Randy, and I swear he knew what he was doing. I had recently wiped out two outposts belonging to The Furious Group, and true to their name they were not happy about this. So, they dropped some guys on the left side of the map, who milled around for a bit. I scoffed at their lassitude, then got my guys into position at the defenses on the west side. This would have been a cakewalk if I could just micro that battle. But, shortly before they decided to engage, another raid (sappers this time) from The Furious Group showed up on the opposite side of the map. It was a trap! I had to split off half my forces to take positions on the east side of the base. Clearly the pirates were coordinating, because they made contact at the same time, making it almost impossible to micro tactics without pausing every 2 seconds, which is something I don't enjoy doing. With my attention divided, I made some poor decisions and got flanked hard on the left side while issuing orders on the right, leading to unnecessary casualties.

We did incap a guy wearing power armor and took it off him before he croaked, which was nice.