Unstable build feedback thread

Started by Tynan, June 16, 2018, 11:10:34 PM

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Does this typically only happen in mutigroup rapper raids? I have observed some similar thing happening.


Seems like it's more common then, but that just could be because you have more chances ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also: now this is what you call a terminator.  Even beats an a17 careful shooter.  I didn't expect 98% shooting with trigger happy to be possible, but it did take a crazy amount of bionics, extreme passion in shooting, and regular lump raiding.  Meet nelson.  I think I need a new outfit to give shooters power armor helmets.

[attachment deleted due to age]
1.0 Mods: Raid size limiter:


(WIPish)Strategy Mode: The experienced player's "vanilla"


A few things I noticed today when continuing my forever alone run from yesterday.

I got a plague message for a pawn not in my colony, or on my map, with the "jump to locaiton" button greyed out.
    Hunting animals avoid traps -- which makes for very weird behavior when they are in a trap hallway and you have a pawn shoot them. Right up to the point they revenge, the animal zig-zags around the traps. As soon as it revenges, it runs right into the next trap.

    I tried a trap hallway for the first time. Even a fairly short one pretty much handles all normal raids very easily. When and how traps get auto-rebuilt (with the global auto-rebuilt option turned on) is still weird: I frequently ended up with missing traps in the line. Do traps need to be in home zone to get auto-rebuilt? Have auto-rearm checked? Both (which is where I ended up)?
    Pawns don't get the "I could have helped" debuff when refusing a refugee event with a relationship, but do when you refuse to caravan to rescue someone. Honestly, I'd prefer that debuff to be removed completely, but I think it should be consistent.
    Thrumbo's list their manhunter chance at rifle range as 35% -- but at rifle range (bolt-action) the hover tooltip lists the manhunter chance as 8.3% with a level 9 shooter/level 10 animal handler. 8.3% for a thrumbo seems low with a pretty mediocre shooter/animal handler: I'm able to get in a lot of free shots before they go manhunter most of the time.
    During a raid I ordered 5 colonists to shoot at a raider who happened to be standing on top of my sixth colonist, who had just been downed. My colonists faithfully fired - at my downed guy - instantly killing him. I'm willing to accept a lot of "colonist missed and hit his downed buddy" shenanigans, especially when I order shots nearby, but I think what actually happened here is that I attempted to order my colonists to shoot at a raider, and instead I targeted my own downed colonist (too many direct hits on him for it to all be missed shots). Perhaps the stack ordering of items in a cell should put your colonists last for targeting purposes?


Found a bug in mechanoid dissasembly efficiency.

A colonist with an archotech eye and 2 bionic arms has it at 100%, when the relevant variables for that efficiency are sight, manipulation and carfting.

Colonists' stats are:

sight: 150% (only counts up to 100% for this)
manipulation: 125% (this seems weird for 2 bionic arms)
crafting (14): 110%

Final value: 100% ... shouldnt it be more?


Quote from: protobeard on August 06, 2018, 06:50:35 PM
... I'm willing to accept a lot of "colonist missed and hit his downed buddy" shenanigans, especially when I order shots nearby, but I think what actually happened here is that I attempted to order my colonists to shoot at a raider, and instead I targeted my own downed colonist (too many direct hits on him for it to all be missed shots). Perhaps the stack ordering of items in a cell should put your colonists last for targeting purposes?

You sound like you are unsure if targeting was actually the problem.
Doesn't the combat log specify the intended target, and whether or not it was a miss?
Do you still have the save, to check the combat log and see?


Hello I am back with some comments about insect behavior.

Now insects are lazy. Very lazy. So lazy that they will often forget to maintain hives. Then the hive dies. Then insect blames you and begins rushing your base. This is very sad because I am trying to roleplay very ethical environmentalists that only minimally chop trees, don't trouble the local wildlife, and use only renewable power sources.

Since roof collapse was changed not to trigger insect attack, maybe hive death due to lazy insect should not either?


Quote from: Greep on August 06, 2018, 05:36:17 PM
Seems like it's more common then, but that just could be because you have more chances ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also: now this is what you call a terminator.  Even beats an a17 careful shooter.  I didn't expect 98% shooting with trigger happy to be possible, but it did take a crazy amount of bionics, extreme passion in shooting, and regular lump raiding.  Meet nelson.  I think I need a new outfit to give shooters power armor helmets.
Maybe, it seems like sometimes some of the sapper groups (especially for tribals) lack the cheater-miner character, so then they give up and proceed to processing at local corpse disposal center.


Quote from: Tynan on August 06, 2018, 10:50:27 AM
Regarding maximum range, it just refers to the maximum targeting range.
Fairynuff. Perhaps modify the info txt to say 'Max effective range' or similar?

QuoteThe gameplay reason they can miss beyond this range is because to do otherwise would add a bunch of complexity to the math around miss chances. Depending on how it's done, it could look weird, cause more damage in some particular situations, or open up weird game-y tactics. [...] It's not worth adding the interface, balancing, tactics, AI complexity to make this work so as with many many other cases we're sticking with the straightforward max-range/miss the same at every range system. There's many more important things to focus on.
I can understand you're not willing to let (eg) pawns with low shooting skill take potshots at local wildlife at over effective range ('cos they don't know any better) purely to skill up, but perhaps missed ranged shots could damage (& potentially anger) wildlife if they hit & injure a wandering animal out of range? I'm not expecting this to be implemented, just a thought..
Dom 8-)


While I dislike the occasional blobs of doom, this is one reason randy is just the storyteller to play.  Some hilarious stuff:  A high roll friendlies comes to the aid to stop some low roll psychic ship.

Edit: although they do seem to have a bit of trouble actually fighting them  ::)

[attachment deleted due to age]
1.0 Mods: Raid size limiter:


(WIPish)Strategy Mode: The experienced player's "vanilla"


Lucky for you those IEDs dont trigger in range of the friendlies, once lost like ~50 relations for a tragedy like that.


Bugs are starting to become annoying, I mine out a piece of overhead mountain several feet from my base in hope of finding uranium. Infestation spawns with 5 hives and a whole caravan load of bugs. I'm like okay the bugs don't seek you out if something other than the colony messes with them.

Nope, visitors go past them, they are killed quickly and they go after me. Raiders accidentally stumble upon bugs, they die, they go after me. Cold snap happens, the little bugs become downed due to hypothermia, the god damn little shits go after me. What the hell does them dieing to cold have to do with me.
"Fear is the enemy within you that can lead to your demise." -Spook


New build is up! No specific testing requests. The play stories that've been written recently have been great so I'd love to hear more.

Infections should no longer be silent, and animal disease incidents should no longer affect humans. I also set the version to 0.19 since it was semi-incorrect to leave it on 1.0 (I should've had it at 0.19 the whole time, sorry about that).

Bugs should ideally be posted in a separate thread in the Bugs forum, thanks.

Stories should please be prefixed with this basic info:

Commitment mode:
Current colony age (days):
Hours played in the last 2 days:
Complete mod list:
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


EDIT OOPS forgot the extra stuff.

Storyteller: Cassandra
Difficulty: Rough
Biome/hilliness: Flat Shrubland, on a river. No road or hills.
Commitment mode: Wussy. I mean I can reload saves.
Current colony age (days): This was a while ago so I'm not sure. Maybe 100-150 days? 2nd year or beginning of 3rd.
Hours played in the last 2 days: A lot. 15+

Psychic ship lands. I mortar it and the guys come out. It's far enough away that I don't need to deal with it right away so I ignore it for the time being.

A day or two later, it emits a psychic pulse that angers a dozen muffalos, who then GO TO TOWN on the mechanoids. The mechs win but are seriously beat up. I decide to take my chance and go out there and mop them up easily.

And we feasted well on muffalo that night.
Toolboxifier - Soil Clarifier
I never got how pawns in the game could have such insanely bad reactions to such mundane things.
Then I came to the forums.


My item wealth bumped up 20% after 0.19.  I'm guessing it's either corpse/flooring/bionics related, although at this point it's not much for me.  Curious what changed tho so I'll look into it.  Doesn't seem to have impacted fun points at all, though, so I'm not sure what it is actually o.o
1.0 Mods: Raid size limiter:


(WIPish)Strategy Mode: The experienced player's "vanilla"


Quote from: Tynan on August 06, 2018, 08:22:17 PM
.... I also set the version to 0.19 since it was semi-incorrect to leave it on 1.0 (I should've had it at 0.19 the whole time, sorry about that)....
please revert this 0.19 stuff cause you will mess up everything for nothing