Make stockpile settings work like production bills.

Started by Zombull, July 06, 2018, 01:58:16 PM

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Right now, for stockpiles, we can specify rules for what is allowed and the priority of the stockpile with respect to other stockpiles.

However, we cannot establish a priority of items within the stockpile.

For instance, I want to use a stockpile to keep my livestock fed. I'd prefer to feed them kibble, but if we are out of kibble then they should be fed haygrass. And if no haygrass is available, then raw vegetables. This is a logical configuration, but there's no way to set it up in game.

I suggest letting stockpiles have multiple separate rulesets ordered for priority similar to the way production bills work on crafting stations. Rulesets higher in the list will take priority and lower priority items may be moved out of the stockpile to make room for higher priority items as needed.


Why can RimWorld livestock eat kibble? You don't feed livestock meat in real life...