Need refill at quantity setting for stockpiles

Started by Sangerwolf, July 07, 2018, 12:10:50 PM

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Haulers will repeatedly haul 1 thing at a time to top up a stockpile near a crafting spot while someone works from it basically tying up that hauler permanently, a setting to refill stockpiles if they reach a set amount would be great!


+1 to this one.

It's painful having say smaller dedicated ingredient stockpiles near a kitchen, and say you get a bountiful harvest come in. Order a colonist to haul a stack of that golden corn (or whatever) - instead of hauling a full stack going to your general freezer stockpile, they'll haul just 15 to a cell in an ingredient stockpile, and they'll keep doing this which is just incredibly inefficient.

Setting thresholds would definitely help alleviate this problem.


General suggestion, when porting a mod, port the whole thing, not half of it.


A pawn should fill a stack when it's empty (<5% rounded up) if it's important, or when it's low (<50% rounded up) and set to critical. There isn't much need to fine tune the numbers beyond that. If you need pawns to be more assertive than that, the simple solution is to use a larger storage so that more tiles can issue priority hauls.

For example if a nutrient paste hopper is set to critical then it generates an important haul at 4 food, and a critical haul at 38 food. Food stockpiles generate an important haul at 1 meal and a critical haul at 5 meals.  Those should be decent numbers. Other hauling rules that should be helpful:

- Priority hauls go to the top of the list. Only important and critical storage can have priority hauls.
- Pawns don't consolidate items outside of storage. They go to the nearest stockpile, so that "low" priority stockpiles can actually do useful things.
- Consolidation is always low priority. When consolidating pawns will take items from low or normal storage and move it to preferred storage.
- Pawns don't organize low priority storage. This keeps them from running outside the base to sort a low priority stockpile.
- Items can be not hauled at all if they are forbidden (vanilla)
- Priority is an architect button option when the stockpile is highlighted. This way multiple storages can be modified at once.

There you go. All of hauling fixed with a few simple rules. Here's how it might play out:
- A low priority food pile is in the middle of a farming field. It has a roof. After a farming harvest the first hauling action is to place food under the roof.
- An important hopper is nearly empty. A pawn is chosen to fill it right away.
- A shelf in the mess haul has 4 meals. A pawn is chosen to fill the shelf right away.
- All the crops on the field are picked. Pawns will first bring meat into the fridge, because its meat section is "important" and all the empty tiles are generating priority hauls for any meat in storage. They will then bring crops into the fridge because it's "preferred".

Here's some handy storage stockpile presets that I think every player will find useful:
- Medicine: All medicine, important.
- Fridge: All food items, preferred.
- Perishables: All items that decay, normal.
- Materials: Excludes items that decay, normal.
- Junk: All other things, low.


Strong +1 to this. Managing feed stockpiles for animals is hauling intensive. I'd rather not put my elderly boomalopes in a room with all the other animals and thousands of haygrass, thanks.


Quote from: bobucles on July 24, 2018, 11:42:31 AM
A pawn should fill a stack when it's empty (<5% rounded up) if it's important, or when it's low (<50% rounded up) and set to critical. There isn't much need to fine tune the numbers beyond that. If you need pawns to be more assertive than that, the simple solution is to use a larger storage so that more tiles can issue priority hauls.

For example if a nutrient paste hopper is set to critical then it generates an important haul at 4 food, and a critical haul at 38 food. Food stockpiles generate an important haul at 1 meal and a critical haul at 5 meals.  Those should be decent numbers. Other hauling rules that should be helpful:

- Priority hauls go to the top of the list. Only important and critical storage can have priority hauls.
- Pawns don't consolidate items outside of storage. They go to the nearest stockpile, so that "low" priority stockpiles can actually do useful things.
- Consolidation is always low priority. When consolidating pawns will take items from low or normal storage and move it to preferred storage.
- Pawns don't organize low priority storage. This keeps them from running outside the base to sort a low priority stockpile.
- Items can be not hauled at all if they are forbidden (vanilla)
- Priority is an architect button option when the stockpile is highlighted. This way multiple storages can be modified at once.

There you go. All of hauling fixed with a few simple rules. Here's how it might play out:
- A low priority food pile is in the middle of a farming field. It has a roof. After a farming harvest the first hauling action is to place food under the roof.
- An important hopper is nearly empty. A pawn is chosen to fill it right away.
- A shelf in the mess haul has 4 meals. A pawn is chosen to fill the shelf right away.
- All the crops on the field are picked. Pawns will first bring meat into the fridge, because its meat section is "important" and all the empty tiles are generating priority hauls for any meat in storage. They will then bring crops into the fridge because it's "preferred".

Here's some handy storage stockpile presets that I think every player will find useful:
- Medicine: All medicine, important.
- Fridge: All food items, preferred.
- Perishables: All items that decay, normal.
- Materials: Excludes items that decay, normal.
- Junk: All other things, low.
This seems like it would work really well.



+1 for the precentage thresholds, for re-filling stockpiles/squares/hoppers that are important/critical. It's pretty annoying having pawns constantly hauling from low-priority zones to higher priority zones, wasting time.

Not sure how the 'merging' bahaviour should work within a stockpile, but it should probably have some threshold(s) too. Maybe, something like this? Only merge stacks if:
- the source stack is < 30% filled
- the destination stack is < 70% filled?
Sure, you'll have a lot of stacks at  somewhere between 30% and 70%, but I think that'd be preferable to having pawns constantly hauling back and forth, trying to get all of the stacks perfect. :)