Recruitment Overhaul Suggestion

Started by henryWW, July 18, 2018, 08:55:08 PM

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So, with the current changes to prisoners, how benefitial would a change to recruitment in general be? Recruiting prisoners have always been the most consistent way of getting new colonists, but with it's mechanics being shifted to a more mid game thing i would have some suggestions in regards to acquiring new people:

Make the "Wanderer joins in" type events more consistent, and scale with Wealth.
This makes sense because obviously the wealthier/powerful you are, the more people are going to know about you, and want to join you.

This has both an advantage and a disadvantage:
You would obviously want to quickly raise your colony's wealth to bring in more people, but that would also bring in more powerful raids, so the player would have to be careful with how quickly he builds up. This would also give a lot more importance to the Artistic skill in the early game while balancing the Social one more (It already gives you better trade, diplomatic and general interactions)

So what are your opinions, do you think it's fine what we have right now or do we need an overhaul to the recruitment system? feel free to leave a comment.


What are the changes to prisoners / recruiting? (It's moving to mid-game...?)