
Started by ChiefBigFeather, July 10, 2018, 09:57:27 AM

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Dear Tynan and Community,

here is a smallish suggestion that would make traveling a lot more convenient and entertaining:

Let us make tents.

Especially if a colony is rich and people have high expectations, managing sleeping requirements while traveling is quite a hassle. Making proper bedrooms on every map where you need to sleep gets old quickly and seems like a waste of time and resources.
Not having tents seems to jeopardize the usefulness of sleeping bags. What is the point of bringing sleeping bags if I have to invest a lot more time and resources to make rooms to sleep in?

Tents could come in two sizes: Tipi and small. The material quality could determine the weight of the thing. It's quality could give very small buffs and debuffs to traveling pawns.

Pawns could ignore some luxury requirements while sleeping in a tent for a few weeks. So even if the colony is very rich, pawns could lower their expectations to more realistic levels while traveling for a while.

Another small related idea:
Maybe there could be extra mobile hospital beds for lategame military operations. Operating on your wounded in sleeping bags feels wrong.

I know tents have been suggested before, but the last suggestion I found is from 2015. A lot has changed in regards of caravans since then, so I decided not to necro an old thread.


Look for the Set Up Camp mod here or on Steam when 1.0 stabilizes. It's been a mod for the last few versions, and includes tents you make out of hide and carry with you. I quite like it.

Side note, even when I carry bedrolls on caravans the usage says 0 bedrolls when they rest. Do the pawns themselves have to have the bedrolls, perhaps?


Set Up Camp and Camping Stuff are actually separate mods, though they are intended to work together (originally both were by the same modder; they've been picked up and updated by other modders since then) Camping stuff originally introduced bedrolls and the butcher spot, but they were superceded when they were added to Vanilla. Set Up Camp just allows you to create a small, temporary map where you can hunt, heal, etc. before continuing on your way, without ever needing to semi-permanently settle; It uses the same mechanics as random events that happen while traveling in a caravan.


Tents + an "on expedition" mood buff seem like easy things to add to vanilla that would take a lot of the unfun negatives out of caravan trips.


Quote from: mcduff on July 12, 2018, 05:43:32 AM
Tents + an "on expedition" mood buff seem like easy things to add to vanilla that would take a lot of the unfun negatives out of caravan trips.

Tynan could then go a small step further and add some obvious traits related to the "on expedition" mood buff.


I fancy this could solve alot of issues. Removing the penalties for sleeping outdoors, a fireplace infront of the tent could serve as a heat source?

Love the idea!
~ Capstar


Quote from: Capstar on July 12, 2018, 01:48:27 PM
A fireplace infront of the tent could serve as a heat source?
Cool idea. I think the quality and materials of the bedrolls could also be a facor.