Need help translating. Tell the meaning of a phrase

Started by KnewOne, July 24, 2018, 06:00:48 AM

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After most of those close to him died,he once again set off to lend his gun to those who needed it - or those who could pay.

what does 'lend his gun' means in this context? I feel like it's not a direct translation. Something like starting with robbery again or something like that.


It means that he is a mercenary, a soldier for hire. " those who needed it - or those who could pay" implies that he works for free under certain circumstances though.


He offered to defend those who needed it or became a mercenary for those who could pay. It means to lend his services as a gunman.


Lend is the giving end of borrowing, so if you borrow a sword from me, i'm lending you a sword.

The guy in the description is lending his skills as a gunman.
So basically he's helping people, or takes gunman jobs from those who can pay.


Thanks . I kinda was guessing but wasn't sure about him being a mercenary