Encroaching Allies

Started by Xenocide7, November 02, 2013, 07:56:44 PM

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Ok , so my Idea

I can see that many people have already posted about Merchants Etc.
But here is my Idea.

What if at some time a new city is started in the corner of your map.
it could be started by other people who survived other crashed
this could have various dangers and bonuses to it

if your on good terms they attack raiders with you , and you can have caravans between to sell things between each city

if your on bad terms , you would have either land disputes , and or war

i think it would make since in the story line because if your picking out prime location on a world that you crashed on , it would make sence other people would want to live / already be there

so yes , both Merchants / But Poloticians etc inside this one , let me know what you think
