incapable of ....

Started by arima1234, July 25, 2018, 07:06:47 AM

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This maybe too late to suggestion here is some in my mind:
1. Pawn incapable of .....:
- a Person in rimworld can do everything in order to survive like "eating human meats" why he, she can't hauling or do labor job just because he, she's back ground? I think we should change this to hate doing sth. For example a princess will hate to do labor jobs, however player can force her to do this with a greatly debuff in mood, this will make game become more realistic
2. Trait change when meet a right condition:
- people get a trait when u get them but i think when u meet a condition then there will be small percentage like 0,001 that people can get a trait like:
+ a colonist nude for 30 days -> nudist
+ kill  over 50 man then the more you kill more chacee u get -> bloodlust
+ get sick too often -> Super Immune
Engilish is not my mother tongue so pls forgive me for my grammar :/


It's way to much of an integrated part of the game to change now i'd say.

But i understand your pet peeve, more than once i've wondered.
"Come on Jenny, why are you incapable of cleaning and cooking? There is so much blood here and i understand that you are a princess but Jeremy is dying and you refuse to even go and make a decent meal for the doctor? He's starving you know! From working day and night healing all your friends! Not even that you can help with!?!?!?!"

It's more of a weird pet peeve than a proper problem though.
I mean, i don't have medical training IRL, but i could still help with a bandage or even sew a cut if it came to a bind.
However i embraced the way of the game and when making my ingame character i gave him incapable of caring since i don't have medical training IRL.


I think a mood debuff would be better, too. It would mostly have the same effect of keeping your colonists from doing the jobs, but would mean if it *absolutely* came to it, you could get some stuff done.


A strong mood debuff would work, since they could be forced to do the task if needed (or put on low priority, so they only do it automatically if other pawns are all bedridden or downed). Something like -15 for non-critical tasks like crafting, hauling, research, etc, and -20 or -25 for things like combat, medical (blood and guts), and fire-extinguishing. Alternately, a permanent stacking debuff for specific actions would work too, if the actions don't work well with a while-being-done mood. For example, a "no-doctor" pawn could get -10 if they have to feed a medical patient, -15 if they have to tend to someone's wounds, and get -20 if they have to perform any kind of surgery; All stacking with themselves and each other.

That being said however, I think this would be a lot of work for not much benefit. Unskilled tasks like hauling could have mood debuffs, but skilled tasks would effectively be the same as just being disabled like it is in the game right now. If your pawn is never getting any practice, because of the mood debuff, then they'll be bad at, for example, surgery and medical. I suppose it would still work for the lesser-skilled parts like feeding patients for medical skill, or butchering animals for cooking. Those would still have worse output from those pawns anyways (tend quality, and butcher efficiency). The simple disabling of skills might not "make sense" for game/story/real-life at a glance, but I think it's probably the best that's possible, without a tonne of effort.