Tough trait, what does it do?

Started by sadpickle, July 30, 2018, 05:00:49 PM

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Self explanatory. I had a wild man with Tough make an attempt on some survival meals, I was having none of it so I stabbed him to death. He'd survived a trap but it only took two shivs to finish him. How does it work? Some sort of hidden armor or extra hitpoints? I couldn't find anything in info that was different from the colonists.


They take less damage from attacks. 60% has been the value for most of 1.0, though I heard rumors it was buffed.


Quote from: bbqftw on July 30, 2018, 05:05:48 PM
They take less damage from attacks. 60% has been the value for most of 1.0, though I heard rumors it was buffed.

Yeah, now tough only takes half as much damage.


Wow that definitely did not need a buff. Is the idea to keep going until people tell stories about terminators walking through their whole base killing everyone?


Randomized trait centipedes when???


They take significantly less damage from individual attacks, but they're definitely not immortal.  If you have one in the colony they make great soldiers, but need a ton of meds to recover from the bleeding if you're fighting sharp opponents and won't go down normally until some really heavy bleeding or a MASSIVE beatdown takes place.