"You have defeated all enemies" when enemies remain in fogged building

Started by dshards, July 26, 2018, 05:08:30 AM

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The remaining enemies were in the "undiscovered" space inside of the enemy building.

Related: What's supposed to happen when you send ALL pawns on a caravan? It doesn't seem like that should be allowed.

Illusion Distort

Regarding the first i think this is because there are hidden threats on the colony map, and the system probably derives from there, not taking into account pawns in the fog of war.

Regarding caravans, i believe Tynan want the player to be able to take all pawns on a caravan, though that would mean your base is defenceless(unless you have lots of turrets). This is just so the player is not restricted from using this strat, but still balancing since the base has less deffence.


Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Do you still have the savefile or at least remember what kind of an incident was this? Did you simply attack an enemy faction base?

I'm asking because we handle this case: instead of checking if any enemy is in an unfogged cell we check if he can reach any unfogged cell. So it should work.