Faction Relations Influencing Raid Size

Started by Wildfire628, August 01, 2018, 01:51:11 AM

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Sorry if this is modeled in game and I haven't noticed it, but I was thinking about using the faction relation system to influence raid size such that the less hostile you are with faction the fewer people they are willing to send after you so as to emulate the warming of relations. This could also be applied to the friendly side of relations and would work to model a friendly faction willing to devote more resources to the aid of a good friend. This would also reward the steps between hostile and neutral, and friendly and max relations.

Since raid sizes need to be balanced at the extremes, especially for permanently hostile factions, and in order to easily fit it into the current system, the simplest implementation in my mind would be to add a negative point modifier to friendly and hostile groups as they move closer to neutral. Maybe 30-40% max reduction near neutral relations so it is noticeable, but not enough to completely change the event.