[STORY] The Colony of Cooks Ridge- part 2- The Victors

Started by BatCon14, August 09, 2018, 06:12:21 PM

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Disclaimer: if you have not read part one I highly recommend you read it before this so that it makes sense. It has the same title except for the Victors part. As of right now it is on the third page. Enjoy!

As Guts, Grim, and Sam traveled through the rough jungle terrain it gave them all time to think. This mission was very dangerous and if a single one of them was injured or died the mission would take even longer and be even harder. The colony had carried out component excavation missions before, as there were no more at their home. But every single one of these missions had resulted in loss of life in some way shape or form. As soon as Guts finished smoking his cigar he realized they were at the camp site.

Immediately upon arrival they set up their gear. All the tents were erected, each with their own individual purpose. One for cooking, one for storage, and one for each colonist; according to their colony blueprints for an ideal camp. Except for this mission they only needed two private tents as Guts and Sam were a happily married couple. By the end of the day the tents were erected around a small rice field, the tents were made out up this was so that the colonists could put sandbags in between them and have a well fortified square. They all went to sleep content with the possibility that this mission would be a success based on their situation. They were half right.

In the morning Guts laid out the plan, the area they were in had only one mountain. It wasn't a giant one but it was bigger than the ones at home. Using their satellite images and knowledge from stories traveler had told. They started the excavation at the north most point of the mountain and immediately they struck compacted machinery. Since they were all very skilled miners for the next 20 days they were able to completely dig through the mountain. To top that off they recovered 234 components and even a bit of uranium and plasteel. Their food supplies were dwindling so that night Guts called for supplies from the main colony via drop pod. It was too risky to send the supplies at night as it was a great risk that the supplies would be stolen under the cover of night. Guts was very content as he went to sleep because one: the mission was a success two: they wouldn't have to walk back home as the main colony was going to send supplies so that they could go home via drop pod and three: it would only take one more week until the materials were ready for the drop pod transport.

Grim was standing guard on the second to last night till their departure when he saw it. Flashilights out in the dark, several of them. By Grim's best guess he guesses about 13 people out there, and he didn't even know if they were friendlies or not. That question was answered relatively quickly as a grenade detonated off to his left. Completely shredding the supplies tent and setting off all the chemfuel inside. The explosion was the biggest he had ever seen, metal debris flew everywhere and judging by the screams of pain some of them had hit people. That was when he realized, Sam and Guts's tent was right next to that. Their tent was already in fire and as he rushed in he saw it. Guts was holding the body of Sam; his beloved wife. Her right leg and arm were gone, and her chest and head had so many holes you could barely tell who it was her. Guts held her and cried softly, her body had protected him  from the fragments. He slowly got up and took the hand grenades from beside their sleeping bag and charged out of the tent. The bandits were almost upon their camp and if they got inside the square formation it was all over. Guts threw grenade after grenade with one arm, and rained hell on the bandits with his ak-47 while Grim provided great marksmanship with his m4a1. After 30 minutes of intense fighting 12 of the bandits lay dead, and one lay injured. He had 3 bullets in his stomach and his left arm was gone. Guts walked up to the man and put his gun to the man's head. He pleaded for mercy, weeping like a child. Guts only said one sentence "What bandit crew are you a part of?" The man answered feebly "The Victors, please have mercy I have a wife and it was all my boss's idea as well; kill him not me please!" Guts said "I used to have a wife, but you took her from me." Grim was at the base seeing if anything else had been damaged when he heard a single gunshot. He looked over to Guts and saw him walking back from where the man was, his magazine was missing one bullet.

Two days later the supplies arrived and all the components, the two men, and the remnants of Sam's body rocketed off out the that hellhole. When they arrived they were greeted with happiness from the components excavation missions success. Both men wore faces of sadness. They opened the last pod and Sam's body fell out, some recognized it was her and others didn't. She was buried a day later and condolences were given to Guts. After everyone had left the grave Guts took a handful of the dirt that was to be placed over her coffin, he put the dirt into his pocket. He let a single tear fall into the coffin, Grim buried the coffin and Guts knelt down on the fresh soil that day he made himself a promise, a promise that would be never be broken. I will have my revenge on the Victors, they will perish as my wife has, there will be no mercy, they will get what they have coming.

Thank you for reading the story, this was a bitch to write so if there are any mistakes I humbly ask you to notify me. Anyway this story is entirely true, but storytelling was added in some parts to give it more depth and emotion. Thanks for reading, also sorry for the depressing ending but don't worry the next part will be out soon.

Sincerely, Bat.


Interesting story! It might be a good idea to keep all of them in one thread?