2 adjacent rooms 1 raw 1 cooked, hm lets eat raw

Started by Bobisme, August 18, 2018, 01:49:58 PM

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i get it, the closest food storage was the raw meat, but i mean come on that's, that's just a fail on food

I'm playing on B18, i hope that stupidity has been fixed, my pawns keep going to feed my hospitalized pawns raw meat because there to god damn lazy to open a door and walk 4 more steps?!!
I had meals in storage before the pawn went to feed them.

I worked out what it is that's causing the issue, one of my pawns has been told to feed 2 hospitalized pawns, the other pawn has been told to feed the last hospitalized pawn, as she just healed her, she is unable to take food from the stack as the first pawn has the next 'grab' reserved, there's 8 meals sitting there, she should be able to grab it.

Yoshida Keiji

Nope, it wasn't fixed in B19 either. We have been asking Tynan for a Meal Tab just like a Med Tab for over a year now: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=36098.0


Well hopefully common sense prevails..

When some one with the plague goes beserk because they were fed raw meat for '3 days' when there was a cooked meal 'next to' the raw and then dies, it's not a fail on my pawn management end, there's the good micro management to increase productivity and then there's the bad micro management when you have to try to avoid a hole in the programming..

Don't get me wrong, love this game, everything i could want it to be but fighting the system to ensure cooked instead of raw, ..simple instead of lavish, is, ...bad.

(I exaggerate on the 3 days heh)