[Mod Request] Police and riot control bots.

Started by MegaDeth, August 30, 2018, 10:19:10 PM

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I'm interested in having a mod that adds bots designed for firefighting and non-lethal melee combat, to arrest, break up fights and if needed defend themselves if attacked.

The idea is these bots would not be craftable , but salvaged or bought , glitterworld stuff. And tribal traders could also sell them occasionally , but badly damaged. Also found in quests and possibly incidents, with a reduced occurrence ratio the more of them the player owns.

They would run on a battery system, recharge from touching a power conduit / source or if unpowered plugged in like a normal device. If unpowered they should be automatically minified for haulers to relocate. They would shut down during a solar flare and have a basic AI and needs system like an animal. Their speed should be very slow {3c/s or something like}, unless heading for a task, in which case they use 10 times more power to move three times faster. Finally some expensive research for them to expend less power and store more, durability increase and performance increase research.

Repairing a bot should be serious work, requiring a very high crafting or construction skill OR a moderately high crafting + construction combo.

I don't like the idea of this brand of bots doing more then riot control and firefighting though. If the modder wants to to copy paste this framework for more bots , they should each have their own distinct tasks and jobs.

Other possible bots include "lovin" bots, entertainment bots {cheerleading during a firefight, why not?}, martial arts training bots and so forth.

As a possible development expansion, these bots could have an incident to turn sentient, with serious ramifications to gameplay, just a thought.