Drop pod raiders.

Started by vampiresoap, September 01, 2018, 10:02:12 PM

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To balance things out, I think it should take them like 10 seconds to come out of the pods, and after they come out they should be a little disoriented.

At the moment, the drop pod raid is just a little too unrealistic for me.


Maybe the first thing they do after getting out of the pods is "regroup," where they go towards a meet up point that is roughly central to where they all came down.


Quote from: AnActualDuck on September 01, 2018, 10:19:56 PM
Maybe the first thing they do after getting out of the pods is "regroup," where they go towards a meet up point that is roughly central to where they all came down.

That's actually a really cool idea. It stands to reason that these raiders would be more organized and actually have a plan of attack.


I'm pretty sure the whole reason drop-pod raiders are in the game, is so the game has something to throw at players that have insurmountable (without drop-pods) defenses. So, i don't think a general nerf to them is going to happen.


That sounds a little arbitrary though, don't you think? There's currently no defense against it. It's not like you can prepare for it. Feels like you just get punished for no apparent reason.


There is a reason, though. The game doesn't throw drop-pods at you (on average; it's still somewhat random), unless you're already successfully killing lots of raiders. Plus, you can always build some defenses inside of your base, for the times when raiders drop into it.


the whole point of drop pods is that they are aggressively fast to give the enemy litte time the react. if you take that away then there is really no point in having drop pods at all. making them wait inside the pod or making them be disoriented only makes it unrealistic, not the other way around.

and if you put some thought into your base layout, your defences and the positioning of your pawns then those raids are easily defended.


Quote from: TheJollyKraut on September 03, 2018, 04:10:09 AM
the whole point of drop pods is that they are aggressively fast to give the enemy litte time the react. if you take that away then there is really no point in having drop pods at all. making them wait inside the pod or making them be disoriented only makes it unrealistic, not the other way around.

and if you put some thought into your base layout, your defences and the positioning of your pawns then those raids are easily defended.

It does not matter how easily the attack can be repelled. That's entirely not the point. The point is that when you drop from a spaceship down to the planet's surface you SHOULD get disoriented. This is not Star Trek where you just "beam" people down. You get put in a drop pod going probably insane speed to get to your destination. Also, you seem to think there's a defense against drop pod raids. There's none. They bypass ALL of your defenses, that's their thing. The best you can do is build rooms with corridors and hope for the best.


that is entirely the point since you are complaining about how hard drop pod raids are on you and how unrealistic. first of all they are drop pods, not crash pods, so there is no "SHOULD get disoriented". drop pods are used by shock troops and they would hardly get into any transport that would leave them in the thick of the battle completely disoriented so they can be picked off by any peon with a pitchfork.
and i don't seem to think there is a defense against those raids i do in fact know as i keep defending against them with quite ease on a rough randy (they are not bypassing my "ALL of your defenses", so i have no idea what you are talking about).

drop pod raids are realistic enough as they are and if you are having trouble with them you should just be glad that there is some challenge to the game for you.