Isolated colonies never get Journey Offer quest

Started by Bobisme, September 09, 2018, 06:05:02 PM

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TLDR: built my base in a rather open area, no journey offer, further up the map was impassible terrain, spawning a map/base on the other side unlocks the dev ability to spawn the quest,, it shouldn't stop the quest like that..
..i'll build a base on the other side in the near future and dev mode the quest.


Been sorted in future versions? :)

My first play through had the 'friendly journey /Ai , been many years this time and nothing, googled it, they say due to impassible terrain, though it's not like i jammed my self in some stupid hole, i hear dev mode can respawn the event?

Just checked, execute journey offer has a big ol' [NO] next to it, i can spawn other events (ones without the NO )
Is it due to Cassandra rough?
Others have stated that is the game they were on with the 'issue'


It is the impassible terrain, i used dev mode, clicking different stuff, seeing if i could remove the one square of impassible terrain, clicked generate map, hoping it would appear there, it made a base on the other side of the impassible terrain a distance away, the journey offer became available..

I gather it does this to prevent it self being placed inside an unreachable area, reckon it needs to assess a few more factors, like as long as it is only a 1 tile distance etc

I can make a base over the mountain later on and dev spawn the quest after 15 days as
It doesn't auto give the quest with a base in 'open terrain' and I can't speed time up by 15 days to see if the quest is still given via the 'spawn map'.


[attachment deleted due to age]
