Overkill Pirate Raid

Started by krinkels69, September 02, 2018, 03:09:40 PM

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I just had an event with a runaway person asking for refuge, I said yes because I was pretty sure my turret line could hold off 15 pirates along with my 10 colonists armed with Assault rifles.

Long story short; my entire colony got wiped away by a quintuple strike from doomsday rockets in a single salvo, the man in black couldn't really do much. Those who were left alive (3) were all kidnapped.

My question now is: isn't 5 of those doomsday rocket launchers a teeny weeny bit overkill? I mean, not like I can just rush 5 of my people in melee and expect them to reach them in time whilst being shot by other 10 Pirates. Does anyone have an idea or tactic to avoid this sort of utter decimation? :P


Randy? 5 doomsday is a bit... much. A spare antigrain warhead could have worked, or an animal army. Alternatively you could hole up and call for allies to help. Have them waste all their ammo on expendables. Could also try kiting them with snipers, or sending out melee in shield belts to draw their fire. You just have to get them to waste their shot after which they are just cannon fodder.


For some reason this happened on Phoebe Chillex although it was on rough difficulty. I couldn't savescum either because of iron man mode :p

Sadly enough no allies either hahaha


Dunno if it still works, but you can let the raiders catch the refugee and they will leave.


Quote from: fritzgryphon on September 02, 2018, 04:19:08 PM
Dunno if it still works, but you can let the raiders catch the refugee and they will leave.

Unreliable since they could easily overkill him and that doesn't make them leave.

Anyway just dodge the rockets.


I like to play an ambush style defense with short, narrow hallways and lots of melee fighters, basically a maze with rooms to hide in. The key is to make the hallways short enough so that only a few raiders can shoot at your shielded melee guy. Raids usually scatter a bit in the maze and bump on doors or walls and then you can take guys down with relative safety. Been a while since I took a doomsday to the face, but in the older versions a personal shield would eat the blast and your colonist would be safe.
Another tactic I like to use is insanity lances, I usually buy a couple of them once I can afford it. You either target the doomsday guy with it and have one less nuke to worry about or you target a well armored raider thats likely to survive a barrage or two from his former allies, chances are the doomsday guys look for cover and then fire at their own guy, nuking their friends in the process.
This worked pretty well in older versions, havent gotten to that stage in B19 yet, maybe raiders are smart enough now to not nuke their own guys? ;D


I like the ideas but sadly enough I wasn't really far enough in to have a stash of any powerful weapons on hand yet :(

I'll keep it in mind though, thanks =)


Learn to accept losses in material.

Building a line and trying to hold that line at all costs does not really work with these kind of weapons.

What would have happened if your colonists were not behind the turrets and a bit further away. The turrets would be a target and your colonist are not (if they are retreat) They would have blown a hole in your line and then start proceeding into your base or go after colonists. That is where raiders start spreading out, single targets can then be killed off by melee guys, while other raiders start bashing on walls and doors. Hallways with traps will help with taking them down. Retreat further and further into your base, if they bash some walls that would be allright. Double walls are actually pretty good for keeping stuff a bit safer. Any area to dangerous to be in you will retreat, untill they take enough damage from traps or are so spread out that you can reconquer parts of your base.

Damage to your base does not matter, keeping your pawns alive does.

Well losing food might be the exception, keeping food in more then one area is a good idea.


I guess it's a decent idea but  then again, even if I had made it out there without being blown to smithereens they would have quintuple nuked my homebase turrets and destroyed pretty much anyone inside, I don't need to explain the lethality of doomsday rocket launchers I guess :P


yeah well if you re facing a lot of missile weaponry you either try to dodge or bait the missile with turret/colonist, which doesnt work that well all the time, try to kill the guy before he shoots, which depends on a lot of things, or let the guys rush whatever and wait til they re busy putting their knuckles into solid objects, then shoot them or bind them in melee.

Most of those end up with you getting the short end of the stick some way, its just for you to decide which one is the best.


Quote from: fritzgryphon on September 02, 2018, 04:19:08 PM
Dunno if it still works, but you can let the raiders catch the refugee and they will leave.

I don't think it does, I've tried it a few times since B19, and they kidnap the refugee, then keep right on coming for a full raid. I guess "Since we are already here, might as well eh boys?"