Null reference at "WildManShouldReachOutsideNow" method.

Started by soulkata, September 02, 2018, 11:05:24 PM

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I am running the game with the mod "Colony Manager", of the Fluffy. The mod has some functions like "Check if the target are reachable" that calls some pathfinding functions, that raise an error at "WildManShouldReachOutsideNow". After some "ILSpying", I found that, this method is called inside a "Pathfinder.FindPath" mathod, and the pawn parameter passed to this method is null, since it was created on "TraverseParms.For(TraverseMode mode, Danger maxDanger = Danger.Deadly, bool canBash = false)"....

So, I think that WildManShouldReachOutsideNow should be adjusted to allow a null pawn, but I might be wrong.

In any case, I think that this scenario should be reported here.



It's a bug in the mod. The mod is most likely setting the traverse mode "ByPawn" because other modes tolerate a missing pawn. However if they use "ByPawn" it tells the pathfinder to determine how to handle doors based on the pawn. Not supplying a pawn is an error. The mod author must make the decision(dont pass, open, destroy etc.) through the use of an appropiate traverse mode.


So to clarify, is it possible to make this bug occur without mods?

What are the steps to make the bug occur? We need to reproduce it before we can address it.

Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog