The Drunkard's Tavern.

Started by Yarkista, September 18, 2013, 05:26:42 PM

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Come all you old drunkards wherever ya' be. Come tune up your voices and join in with me. Since a drink of liquor is good for your soul, bring me the punch later we'll fathom the bowl.

We'll fathom the bowl, we'll fathom the bowl. Bring me the punch later, we'll fathom the bowl!


butt, howz we get out o da bowl after 'fathoming' ut, ifn it a drinkin bowl I made, we'll kneed a long range helle coppper to get out


It is just a drinking song mate... get with the program you drunk skunk!


howz dud yer guss dat eye wuz DRUNKK?


The smell of alcohol is very strong with you. You gotta lay off the booze man! Have a very large cup of cold, black coffee. It will wake you up instantly from your drunkenness. Besides, we must save the booze for a going-away party.


DAT IZ what I is DRUNKIN, need beerz or portz  or rumz to wake up, dat corfee only puts mee to zleep, und yhes I has a contrary metablizim


*cough*not contrary enough*cough* Sorry, I have a bad cough from lack of sanity that emanates from this room.


that stuff only goes down da drains (usually from the 'wet' rooms that all visit bot do not want to stay in)


Can I go where it is going? It would be nice to be in a place FILLED with sanity.


but it IS s * * t and p* * s.
and are you asking to be INSANITY??


So, all i will need then is a very good suction tube to put it all in a bottle for filtering and drinking later. Sanity will be gotten... THROUGH INSANITY! Then I will drink it at the Count to 9000 thread's going away party. By that time I will be sane enough to not post in anything like it anymore.


has you is insane enough to think you can drink sanity (and gain sanity) you have achived MAX insanity,
but the only way to get to sanity is to reduce your insanity (the simplest way is to keep drinking alcohol to kill off the insane brain cells), but you might also find other ways



Oh I know! I can get a doctor to remove those brain cells causing insanity through surgery like a cancer.
Insanity is a cancer, socially and medically. It needs to be removed by cutting out the center of it and killing anything left behind that was infected.


zen you has to skay goood buy to de brainz
