[1.0] What the Hack?! v1.2 - last update: May 30, 2019

Started by Roolo, September 07, 2018, 03:25:51 PM

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- Fixed crash occuring when a mech with a hauling module wants to haul itself.
- Days of fuel explanation is now displayed correctly for caravans with hacked mechs
- Pawns perform maintenance during caravan trips when mechs are below 50% maintenance, instead of 20%.
- Pawns no longer need to be assigned to hacking to be able to perform maintenance during caravanning

Quote from: IceAero on April 23, 2019, 11:08:35 PM
Just encountered a repeatable crash-to-desktop event that I believe is from this mod.

I had a scyther set to work mode (with a hauling module installed), and I went to install a cargo module in that scyther.  It approached the workbench and the entire game crashed.  Not sure if it was trying to haul itself to the bench or what, but I was able to repeat the crash a few times, and only turning work mode OFF and THEN adding the 'install cargo module' operation, did it everything seem to work correctly.

Thanks for reporting. This is fixed in the update I just released.


I actually wanted to comment about caravan maintenance having low treshold, but you beat me to it. Nice work.


Do you need the Portable Charging Platforms to effect maintenance on Mechanoids during caravan? I assumed not,but I was risking catastrophic failure on my GlitterTech Cruise Missile Launcher-equipped Centipede by the time the caravan got back.(It had a Vando Cell).


Quote from: Riddle78 on April 24, 2019, 01:15:32 PM
Do you need the Portable Charging Platforms to effect maintenance on Mechanoids during caravan? I assumed not,but I was risking catastrophic failure on my GlitterTech Cruise Missile Launcher-equipped Centipede by the time the caravan got back.(It had a Vando Cell).

No, but you do need to bring mechanoid parts. Also, previously, you needed a pawn in your caravan that is assigned to hacking, but because this was too confusing, that's no longer a requirement since the last update. It's still good to bring an experienced hacker, because pawns can still fail at performing maintenance in caravans. In this case they'll retry until they succeed, wasting parts for every failed attempt.


Quote from: Roolo on April 24, 2019, 01:30:04 PM
Quote from: Riddle78 on April 24, 2019, 01:15:32 PM
Do you need the Portable Charging Platforms to effect maintenance on Mechanoids during caravan? I assumed not,but I was risking catastrophic failure on my GlitterTech Cruise Missile Launcher-equipped Centipede by the time the caravan got back.(It had a Vando Cell).

No, but you do need to bring mechanoid parts. Also, previously, you needed a pawn in your caravan that is assigned to hacking, but because this was too confusing, that's no longer a requirement since the last update. It's still good to bring an experienced hacker, because pawns can still fail at performing maintenance in caravans. In this case they'll retry until they succeed, wasting parts for every failed attempt.

That is confounding. The caravan left with a hundred Mechanoid parts,and never used them. The entire human element of the caravan (Ten people) had high Intellectual and Crafting skills. Like,ten or more in each. Can the parts be accessed if they're being carried by pack animals,or Cargo Unit-equipped Mechs?


Quote from: Riddle78 on April 24, 2019, 02:11:22 PM
That is confounding. The caravan left with a hundred Mechanoid parts,and never used them. The entire human element of the caravan (Ten people) had high Intellectual and Crafting skills. Like,ten or more in each. Can the parts be accessed if they're being carried by pack animals,or Cargo Unit-equipped Mechs?

Yes, they just have to be part of the caravan, that's all.


But you need to differ between a caravan on a worldmap (then all can access all stuff on the caravan) and on a temp. map (then you need to unload inventory/animals/mechs before (other) pawn's can use them.



I seem to have a problem with the mod:
I successfully hacked one mechanoid, but for the second I can't: When I right click the mech it says "Not on functioning hacking facility". But I have the table as well as the platform, both ready.
I can only "haul" the mech, which makes the pawn do the "hacking job" in its description. The pawn will haul the mech to the table (even if it was already there) and then work on it for about 1 frame and give up. If I put 10 mechanoid parts in its inventory, it will work a bit longer and then give up again.

Also as you can see on the attached picture, it seems the Hacking Table is considered as a "bed" or something, as its description says it's not assigned to anyone.

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Quote from: Corniflex on April 29, 2019, 05:35:42 PM

I seem to have a problem with the mod:
I successfully hacked one mechanoid, but for the second I can't: When I right click the mech it says "Not on functioning hacking facility". But I have the table as well as the platform, both ready.
I can only "haul" the mech, which makes the pawn do the "hacking job" in its description. The pawn will haul the mech to the table (even if it was already there) and then work on it for about 1 frame and give up. If I put 10 mechanoid parts in its inventory, it will work a bit longer and then give up again.

Also as you can see on the attached picture, it seems the Hacking Table is considered as a "bed" or something, as its description says it's not assigned to anyone.

Please provide a log by pressing ctrl+f12 just after the issue occurs, and place the link you'll get here. Without a log I can't see what's going on.


Here's the log right after I asked a colonist to "haul the mech" but the hacking hasn't been done : https://git.io/fjZYV

I added another pic giving a better look at what I built in case I've been doing something bad.

[attachment deleted due to age]


Quote from: Corniflex on April 30, 2019, 07:07:20 PM
Here's the log right after I asked a colonist to "haul the mech" but the hacking hasn't been done : https://git.io/fjZYV

I added another pic giving a better look at what I built in case I've been doing something bad.

Ok, I see. It's the skullywag. That mech has custom AI, which was a problem in the past. I fixed the problem before, but in the latest major update I rewrote a lot of the hacked mech AI, so I think hacking the skullywag is broken again because of those changes.

It's probably something I can fix easily. I'll take a look at it, probably this weekend.


Some minor bugs:
Missing translation for fatal operation on summoning mechs.
Exception translating '{SURGEON_labelShort} has committed a fatal error while operating on {PATIENT_labelShort} because of the special challenges of: {2}': System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

'Some damage' operation has no effect on lancer.
Also, 'mechanoid suspicous' after oversummoning them disapear right after raid. Happen 2/2 times, maybe just rng.

And question, roaming mechanoids event always give me one mech, my wealth now is over 100k. Can it get bigger? Or i have to send more than 2 colonists?


Quote from: MemoriMento on May 08, 2019, 02:04:04 AM
Some minor bugs:
Missing translation for fatal operation on summoning mechs.
Exception translating '{SURGEON_labelShort} has committed a fatal error while operating on {PATIENT_labelShort} because of the special challenges of: {2}': System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

'Some damage' operation has no effect on lancer.
Also, 'mechanoid suspicous' after oversummoning them disapear right after raid. Happen 2/2 times, maybe just rng.

And question, roaming mechanoids event always give me one mech, my wealth now is over 100k. Can it get bigger? Or i have to send more than 2 colonists?

The roaming mechs strength is dependent on your caravans strength. Maybe I'll ramp it up a little more, and maybe I'll increase the minimum strength.

That problem involved the translation is on my radar, I'll fix it soon.

I think the mechanoid suspicious expiring on raids is just coincidence, since it uses a timer that is in no way related to raids.



- Added buttton that allows you to configure when mechanoids automatically go back to their platform for maintenance. Especially for mechs with vanometric modules or for mechs with work modules this change is important.
- Mechs now auto de-activate when arriving at any map through world travel.
- Fixed problem causing pawns to drop any apparel attached to their waist, when they equip other apparel to their waist. (many mods use the waist to attach all sorts of apparel, including backpacks, trinkets, etc. )
- Made the Skullywag from More Mechanoids compatible again.
- Fixed mechs not recharging with portable platforms during caravan trips (the platforms only prevented the power to drop since the last major update).
- Fixed translation error popping up when mech operations failed in a certain way.


Bit off topic here but,

I'm so glad this wasnt an enemy raid.  Some of these mechs are quite evil

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Professional jerk
Want something broken let me know