Looking for a mod please help

Started by Monzer, September 08, 2018, 11:39:25 PM

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Hello everyone , I'm looking for a mod that organize the left side panel I looked around but couldn't find anything also if there any mod that can make search available for stockpiles . many thanks .


one of the option/function items just above the menu does sort the stuff in the left panel (in my screen it is the four from the right in the second row from the bottom


What is the left panel?
I wrote a mod that lists contents in a selected zone inside the inspect window (lower left panel). Maybe this is suffiient for your requested search. But you would need to select each stockpile to scroll through its list of items.
Maybe this is a little workaround until you find something more suitable :)
Check my signature for the mod page.

Regards Var


You're probably referring to the stacking option for the left side menu; to enable it, just tick the
  • on the right side bottom corner, near the show beauty of a room.