Behavior Modification Suggestions

Started by Psyckosama, July 05, 2014, 09:53:58 PM

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First, I want to say I love this game. That said, I think the character of the characters could do with a little more depth. I know its probably down the pipe but I'd like to make the suggestion anways.

First, a Greeter Job. If strangers show up we should be able to assign someone to basically talk to them and keep them occupied. Right now they seem to show up, get annoyed, go home, and damage relations. Being able to keep them happy would be very helpful

Second, right now people will basically work until they have a complete mental break. My suggestion is that people who are near mental break simply stop working unless directly ordered and instead, even if they don't have something they want to do like eat or sleep, will slack off and talk to people until their moods better. Also people who are drafted to fight really need to show greater resistance to mood changes.


But, if drafted people were more mood resistant, than all you would do is keep all of your people on draft mode until work needed to be done. However, I do agree that drafted people should be resistant if not impervious to wounded, observed corpse, and observed stranger death, whereas reaction attacks do include this.