ma n pa ranches [new quests] +raider threats

Started by Bobisme, September 11, 2018, 11:42:07 AM

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'Ma tucket has contacted you by radio,  She begs for your assistance,  pa tucket's been  bitten by a cougar while defending their ranch, he's  going to die in 6 days without proper medical treatment...

'Pa tucket has contacted you by radio,  he begs for your assistance,  blight has swept through their crops, they wont survive winter..

Ma' n Pa tucket contact you by radio, they beg for your assistance, pirates have demanded a payment of 1000 silver to protect them from pirates, they don't have the silver.. the pirates are coming

(We don't have much but here, take this as a show of appreciation, or, get nothing.. thankless bar, you saved them)

Pirates have contacted you... pay %silver or you will be raided, (pod in silver, caravan it or take o a couple of waves of raiders)

I'd really like we to see a 'fleshed out' base other than your own, i know this has been asked many times in many different ways, perhaps just a small ma n pa ranch, low wealth, throw in a daughter, a little farm, it only appears on the map once they contact you and persists... Ignore them and watch the farm vanish of the map, or go back after 'ma n pa ranch has been burnt to the ground' to find just rubble. etc
(Jesse Dubly from the pirate rockers is in this raid, the daughter of ma n pa Dubly, ya know, the ones you let die, she will fight fiercely 

It's not like you have to save them either, you could raid the place.. you could take it over..

I know this could create an issue of -if these guys have an actual 'base' (all be it a 2 bedroom wood fired shit hole with some measly crops) why don't the others?


I like this train of thought for quests! I think it would flesh out the world map a bit more and make the world feel a bit more alive. That's one thing I wish Rimworld did better. It just deepens the story.

Rewards would be small at first:
-A family heirloom (gun, bed, piece of art) that has solid value
-We found a small bit of gold or plasteel, etc
-Have our trusty, fully trained warg

Better rewards could happen with improved relations:
-I think our property has a vein of jade, gold, pasteel
-There was a chunk of space debris that fell, here's this serum, neurotrainer, etc
-A wounded pawn came through, we tried to save him, but he died. He had this nice shiny thing, we'd like you to have it.
-We know a guy in FactionX, let me talk to them: improved relations with FactionX

With enough relations, you could even persuade them to join your colony, but they would have worthwhile stats.

Different variations could be setup where this family group focuses on mining or farming or ranching (animals) or crafting or whatever, so they could be a consistent trade destination for that type of item.


yeah, apart form your own colonies there isn't really much that drains you, would be nice if someone relied on you at times to survive, debuffs as well, we let a family die -8
and, we helped a family +8


I'm all for more diversity in interactions outside of my own colony, and these aren't terrible.


Pretty sure the reason they don't have other 'bases' is due the game having to remember them in real time.
Although your not there, there is still '100' crops growing, '10' animals getting pregnant and eating those crops, not to mention health, tornadoes, fires, etc. So you make the ranches static, you can't 'zoom in' you can only visit.
something like the game takes an image and next time you visit it updates