[1.0] Rimhammer - The End Times - Dwarfs

Started by SickBoyWi, June 01, 2019, 12:35:59 PM

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Join the Discord channel: https://discordapp.com/channels/543200702755897354/543288479921209374

Steam link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1758115494

Direct download link: http://nerdtournament.com/mods/rimworld/Rimhammer-TheEndTimes-Dwarfs/releases/Rimhammer-The-End-Times-Dwarfs.zip

This is the first extension onto the base 'Rimhammer - The End Times' mod, and is intended to be used with the base mod; however, that isn't required.

This mod requires Jec's Tools, Jec's Doors Expanded, and Humanoid Alien Races 2.0 mods to be loaded before it. If you're using the base Rimhammer - The End Times mod, you should load that immediately after the previously mentioned two mods, and before this one. I recommend putting this mod after the mods I listed above, and before any other mods you have.

This mod adds Warhammer Dwarfs into Rimworld. Yes, in Warhammer it is 'Dwarfs', not 'Dwarves'! This mod includes Dwarven equipment, ale, and much more. Dwarfs also have the ability to settle impassable terrain!

A detailed list of things this extension adds are as follows:
   -Warhammer Dwarfs as well as Slayers ( all with unique haircuts, beards, and body ).
   -The ability for dwarves to settle on impassable mountain tiles.
   -Warmachines: Bolt Thrower, Grudge Thrower, Cannon, Organ Gun, and Flame Cannon.
   -Black Powder: Two new minable resources (Sulfur and Saltpeter) that can be combined with wood for charcoal, to make black powder. Used to build the cannon, organ gun, and flame cannon rounds.
   -Armor, clothing, weapons, and equipment specific to the dwarfs.
   -A new type of dwarf recreation activity: Admiring Gold - so leave a piece of gold sitting out with an open space around it, so the lads can get their much needed rec.
   -A planter box ( essentially an unpowered and weaker hydroponic basin - perfect for growing stoneroot under the mountain )
   -Special fermenting barrels.
   -Dwarven Ale, and the famous Bugman's XXX Ale.
   -Unique plants: Barley (for making dwarven ale and food) and Stoneroot ( a dwarven speciality crop that doesnt need light to grow, and has a long shelf life )
   -Unique food: Stonebread ( made from stoneroot; has a long shelf life )
   -Gromril ( an extremely strong dwarven speciality metal )
   -100+ dwarven and slayer themed backstories.
   -A few dwarven factions.
   -New large dwarven research tree.
   -Tons of dwarven themed names.
   -Doors and gates.
   -Dwarven statuary.
   -Dwarven sarcophagus.
   -Dwarven pillars for roof support, and beauty.

Current known issues:
   -If you have a shield equipped, and you try to force equip a different one, there's an error that will destroy the shield you're attempting to equip. You have to manually unequip the first shield, then you can equip the new shield. I believe this is an error with JecsTools, I have an issue open regarding it on his GitHub.

Future Updates:
   -Add more dwarven furniture.
   -Add additional armor/helms.
   -Runic weapons and items - ability to create them, and perhaps really strong ones from quests.
   -Add victory conditions - Perhaps destroy a chaos portal somewhere.
   -Implement The Book of Grudges.
   -Add dwarven themed mental breaks and recreation activities.
   -A CE patch.
   -Gyrocoptor implementation.
   -More beards, and hair cuts.
   -More sculptures.
   -Fix ale brewing so that they share a fermenting barrel.
   -Gyrocoptor - perhaps as a transport pod like thing that is refuelable.
   -Better ruins.

Special Thanks To:
   -Discord member @Dino's Bar and Grill for making creature, door, and warmachine images. @Grelan for organizing and dealing with the Discord channel. @Kompad for some great config tips that saved me some real time and trouble. All the other Discord members for tossing ideas around, and playtesting.
   -The Lord of the Rims series for inspiration, and some great examples to get me going. Same goes for [KV] Impassable Map Maker - 1.0.
   -The people at the Ludeon forums who answered my programming/config questions.
This series will likely not be released fast. I'm one person, and the amount of work involved is significant. This mod took hundreds hours of work, no joke.

If you'd like to speed up the process of release, please consider supporting me on Patreon. The more support I get, the more motivated I will be to create more races/factions. https://www.patreon.com/SickBoyWI   

======================== 2019-05-31
Balanced all items against core. Considering development done. 2019-04-16
Turned over to play testing team on Discord. 2018-12-28
Development started.


This mod looks great, the art is exceptionally well done, and the list of things it adds look awesome and fun. I'll be playing with it soon (unfortunately I don't think it can be added mid-game?). I have a feeling it will work great alongside the LOTR dwarves.