[1.0] Missing Operations Bill for Prosthetic Leg Installation

Started by Body Without Organs, October 22, 2018, 04:42:38 PM

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Body Without Organs

This one has been driving my up the wall and I can't figure out why it is happening. I have prosthetics researched, I have medicine, I have the leg, but this bill just isn't there. This also happened in a previous game with a lung I had and couldn't install. Maybe I'm missing something really obvious, but I can't see any reason in game where I'm going something that would prevent it.

No mods subscribed to, plain vanilla game.  Here's the Reddit thread I posted with images.



Reasons I've seen why you don't have the bill.
No leg.
Leg is forbidden.
Leg is being carried.
Someone is currently tending the patient.

I also noticed that once the leg is in place, if your medical-4 non-surgeon grabs it and starts heading to the poor patient, you have to finagle a bit to finally get your medical-15 actual-surgeon to start the task instead.
Toolboxifier - Soil Clarifier
I never got how pawns in the game could have such insanely bad reactions to such mundane things.
Then I came to the forums.

Body Without Organs

None of the above. If you look at the photos in the reddit thread, I have the leg built and in a stockpile. It's not forbidden.  Not only can I not do it on one specific patient, I can't do the surgery on any of the pawns. I can do some operations. Installing a wooden foot is allowed, as is harvesting organs.

I get the impression that either game isn't recognizing that I have the prosthetic leg even though the tech is researched or that it globally is missing some criteria that would make it possible.


Research should not matter. You can buy a leg off a trader and install without having researched it.


I apologize. I will fully admit I saw a long link and assumed it was to your save file which I don't have time to load I never read the reddit thing.

I can't think of a reason the bill would not show up. Try making a zone that is critical and only allows prosthetic legs, and then using a pawn to right click the leg and force haul it. I'm hoping he won't be able to and the game will tell you why and that will also be the cause for the missing bill.
Toolboxifier - Soil Clarifier
I never got how pawns in the game could have such insanely bad reactions to such mundane things.
Then I came to the forums.

Body Without Organs

Nope, stranger still, no issues with hauling it to a stockpile for nothing but prosthetic legs. I just tried that. It must be something else then.

Back in the other savegame where I had a lung I harvested from a prisoner to replace one in a pawn who had one lung ruined by a scyther, the same thing happened.  Stranger still, I was able to use to create a bill for a bionic leg with no issues. It seems to be happening with just certain parts and prosthetics. I keep thinking there's something really obvious I'm missing but I can't figure out what it is for the life of me.

Body Without Organs

Finally found someone else who had a similar issue, but sadly no solution was posted:


That would explain some of it, but why can't I do anything to a colonist with a perfectly good leg? I'd think maybe if it was a destroyed leg, the bug was that it wasn't considered there so you couldn't do anything to it, but it's like this for every colonists, even the totally uninjured ones.  I'm so confused.

edit:  found another https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/9moe7j/help_with_a_bug_with_prosthetics/

Body Without Organs

I just wanted to say I uninstalled the game in Steam and manually deleted every file associated with the game on my hard drive and I got all the surgery bills back. I had actually uninstalled the game previously, but hadn't taken the additional step of deleting everything else related to Rimworld on my hard drive. So it's fixed.  Weird. I've been playing Rimworld for a year or more, it must have been something with the updates creating some kind of conflict.


Sounds like the common steam update problem.
Steam don't remove old/unused files on an update, but rimworld check/use all files.

If you had post an error log, like the sticky suggest we might have seen that early.