[MOD REQUEST] We Care Less..

Started by Heymom, November 09, 2018, 11:18:13 AM

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I am tired of having all my pawns go nuts over dead corpses. Late endgame, i end up with huge raids, and my pawns get a x5 observed rotting/corpse debuff, which puts them in a frenzy.

I seem to recall a mod called something simular to my thread title.
Does anyone know a mod that can adjust or remove the debuff entirely ?


You might want to look at SF's Grim Reality. It changes tons of thoughts' debuffs and buffs like the terrible 'ate without table'. Certainly makes your pawns realize they're not in a nice world. Not sure if it's completely compatible with Psychology mod, though


Quote from: AwesomeMcAwesome on November 10, 2018, 03:14:12 AM
You might want to look at SF's Grim Reality. It changes tons of thoughts' debuffs and buffs like the terrible 'ate without table'. Certainly makes your pawns realize they're not in a nice world. Not sure if it's completely compatible with Psychology mod, though
Thanks, i checked it out, and it doesnt seem to change how pawns react to corpses sadly.

edit: I ended up just making my own little patch to remove any corpse related debuffs. Guess it was easier than posting here.. Ohh well live and learn :D