[1.0] Preferred Character list not working correctly?

Started by Grubfist, November 12, 2018, 12:37:15 AM

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After some testing on why I could not get my character to show up in my starting survivors, it seems anyone whose name is marked with a (B] as opposed to an [N] in the preferred character list doesn't seem to show up consistently, sometimes at all, when randoming starting characters. Characters marked with [N] seem to show up quite frequently, which is how this feature tended to work in the past as well, and thus is what I expected.

I am assuming (B] is "backstory in game" and [N] is "name in game" packs.
The backstories appear to be in the game, but chances of getting them in your game may not be increased by the preferred character list, as you would expect. While my testing was not incredibly extensive, this seemed to exclusively affect the (B] characters.

EDIT: Had to change some brackets, as I was just bolding some text in this explanation, making it quite confusing.
As a note, every instance of (B] should have a left bracket instead of a left parenthesis in the preferred character list.


His data is in the game; we'll have to check the spawning probability code.

<BaseDesc>[PAWN_nameDef] was never sure what [PAWN_pronoun] wanted to do with [PAWN_possessive] life. [PAWN_pronoun] spent most of [PAWN_possessive] time doing low-wage jobs and wondering what [PAWN_possessive] future would be like.

[PAWN_pronoun] entertained himself with space sims and survival games, dreaming of one day being somewhere more interesting.</BaseDesc>
<BaseDesc>[PAWN_nameDef] traveled the stars. [PAWN_pronoun] could barely scrape together travel costs doing odd-jobs on stations, but it was all worth it.

[PAWN_pronoun] loved camping on exotic worlds and learning the patterns of strange wildlife. [PAWN_pronoun] never could focus on intellectual endeavors, as [PAWN_possessive] sightseeing distracted [PAWN_objective] far too much.</BaseDesc>
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog
