Fallen from the Stars - A RimWorld Story

Started by Macke15, December 29, 2018, 07:54:23 AM

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Fallen from the Stars


I'm a gunsmith, or rather; I used to be one back in the days. It's probably a couple of years ago at this point, I don't know for sure. I tell you, cryosleep totally disturbs your sense of time.

Anyway, that's not so relevant now. What matters is what happened and what's happening now. My name is Robert Seafield, chief engineer of UNS Curiosity, oftentimes known by the callsign "Ironhead". We were making a fairly long trip through space and so I entered a cryosleep pod to preserve my biological age. However, when I woke up it was not to the serene silence one would expect, but instead I heard thundering explosions and felt the ship shake heavily under my feet as I left the pod. I bit my teeth hard at the cutting sharp sound of rasping metal and deafening collisions of falling furniture and ship components against the floor.

I concluded that we must be under attack and quickly set off toward the closest escape pods in the stern. The way there was a bumpy one, making me feel like the clumsy hero of some comedic action movie as I stumbled forward and it wasn't without some aching body parts that I made it to my goal. To my great relief though, I managed it without any more severe wounds and seemed to have gotten there in time. I found two of my crewmates; my co-worker the rocket engineer Maskinnen and the ship-chef Morrin. They were already entering their vessels and we exchanged no more than a glance before I opened mine. I threw a final gaze behind me to see the ship go down with some enormous, rumbling cracks. Then, not intending to waste another second on this death trap of a place, I seated myself in the pod, closed the door and launched away.

After what felt like an eternity the computer signalled that I was approaching ground and as I thought of the odds to hit a planet, that eternity didn't seem like such a long time after all. The pod made a smooth, one can even say graceful, landing. Eager for having survived, but also scared of where I might have landed, I let the door open and stepped outside. I was met by the astoundingly beautiful morning light of a savanna and thought that maybe this wasn't too bad after all.


Hi guys! That's it for the first entry of this story, which I hope I can make an enjoyable read for you. After all, RimWorld is a game that lends itself very well to storytelling.

"I will say nothing and therefore nothing has been said."

Food for thought: Humans have two brain-halves, right and left. How comes then our intelligence, when there's nothing right in the left part and nothing left in the right part?


Chapter I – 1st Aprimay 5500

I stand there, simply taking in the beauty of the scene. The environment is... soothing. I wonder if it is due to some current condition of shock, but the thought brings my mind back to the present and I conclude that I am fully by my senses. Mostly, at least. I throw a look at my surroundings, where both Morrin and Maskinnen are disembarking their vessels. I intend to go and talk to them, but first I scan the area. To the west is a steep, stony hill, its gleaming surface revealing that it's composed of some kind of mineral, which could be steel if we're lucky. To the south is a minor watercourse which hopefully contains drinkable water. To the east is a sandy, somewhat rocky plain, ending at a very primitive looking, ruined building, a few hundred metres away. My initial concern that accompanies the discovery is soon gone, as I render the shack unlikely to hold inhabitants. Last but not least, to the north I can see a lush ridge with prospering trees, bushes and cacti, thinking it might become our plantation.

Now I realise for the first time that I'm set on staying here. When did I come to that decision? I have no idea, but it seems reasonable as I think it through. Fertile land, water, natural protection compared to risking days of wandering in dry and dusty sand. The choice is simple.

I walk up to my co-stranded.

"We had some luck in all the trouble at least, hadn't we?" I say.

Maskinnen raises a questioning eyebrow.

"Yeah sure, you really think so?"

"We survived the landing, the escape pods with supplies are intact, and the area holds what we need for a camp. Wouldn't you call that some luck?" I respond.

"Fine, you're right," she admits, "I'm just not feeling quite well. The worst time to get sick of course, but we can't do much about that."

I nod in understanding.

"I see. You can take it easy if you need it. We can make camp without you."

But those words light spirit in her eyes.

"I didn't say I was incapable of work. I won't rest any more than you two."

I smile at that and nod in acknowledgement of her willingness to help. But then Morrin speaks.

"It's fine that you've agreed on work distribution and all, but when was it decided that we would make camp here?" he asks, "I think we should look for civilisation."

I answer him by voicing my previous thoughts aloud, while adding that inhabitants are not necessarily friendly.

"It's better to have a safe base of operations and our own sources of water, nutrition and so on, than to just rush in somewhere and get killed  immediately.

Morrin seems sees reason in my words and nods affirmatively.

"Okay then. Where are we going to start then? I'll obviously do the cooking, but we must start somewhere else."

Before anything can be said, I hear a loud sound approaching from above and snap my head to look. A large piece of barely jointed metal is coming at high speed. It's from the ship and it will undoubtedly crush us if we get stuck under its weight.

"Take cover!" I signal to the others and dash to throw myself in under a salient from the plateau. I compress my body as much as I can, hands to my ears awaiting the impact.

A few seconds later, a big crash fills the savanna. Feeling at my hands and arms, I make the assumption that I'm still alive, so I rise and watch the scene of sand clouds and fragmented metal near the fertile ridge.

"That was close," I say.

"Yeah, I rather appreciated not getting squashed by my own workplace," Maskinnen says, but there's no hint of cheerfulness behind the comment. Not that I would expect it in our situation though.

As if I hadn't already had my fair share of unwanted surprises today, some brown, heavily built creature hints behinds one of the escape pods. Scanning with wide open eyes, I realise what it is.

"Take it slow and steady now, lads. There's a warg right over there and it might be hungry. Don't rush anywhere, I'll go get my rifle and deal with it," I announce.

"You're going nowhere!" Morrin snaps, "If you even think of hurting Rowan, I'll beat you so hard you can't walk for days!"

"Wait, he's your..."

"...tame warg, yes."

In this moment I've had enough. I bury my face in deep my palm and give away a long, deep sigh of exasperation.

Who have I been to think this place so euphoric?

"I will say nothing and therefore nothing has been said."

Food for thought: Humans have two brain-halves, right and left. How comes then our intelligence, when there's nothing right in the left part and nothing left in the right part?