priority Food etc

Started by Fleischtester, December 02, 2018, 07:36:26 AM

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somehow my colonists set the priorities wrong.
e.g. Instead of harvesting a field, you would first see a new one.
And they are starving because they do not have enough food.

When prioritized, he runs away from his research table, picks exactly one plant, and then goes back to his research table, though fieldwork has set priority. ... "It makes sense!"

Is Difficulty more difficult than Difficulty? <-( "Dieser Satz macht mich wirklich Stolz")
Is the Difficulty-Level "peaceful" more difficult than the Difficulty-Level "easy" ?

With me, different events alternate. Cold waves, heat waves and plant diseases are particularly annoying if you have little food.
I actually have the peaceful difficulty level that it's easy! (I really did not want to starve my settlers ...)

I also have a lot of started construction projects. They just do not want to finish building them ... Annoyingly always having to prioritize clicking.

Somehow it was the game mechanic ever better ...

irgendwie setzen meine Kolonisten die Prioritäten falsch.
z.B. Anstatt ein Feld abzuernten sähen sie zuerst ein neues an.
Und sie sind am Verhungern, weil sie nicht genug Nahrung haben.

Wenn man es priorisiert, rennt er von seinem Forschungstisch weg, erntet genau eine Pflanze und geht dann zurück an seinen Forschungstisch, obwohl Feldarbeit eingestellte Priorität hat. ..."Sinnvoll!"

Ist der Schwierigkeitsgrad "Friedlich" schwieriger als der Schwierigkeitsgrad "einfach" ?

Bei mir wechseln sich verschiedene Ereignisse ab. Besonders nervig sind Kältewelle, Hitzewelle und Pflanzenseuche, wenn man wenig Nahrung hat.
Ich habe eigentlich den friedlichen Schwierigkeitsgrad, das es einfach ist! (Ich wollte meine Siedler eigentlich nicht verhungern lassen...)

Ich habe auch lauter angefangene Bauprojekte. Sie wollen sie einfach nicht fertig bauen... Nervig immer priorisieren klicken zu müssen.
Irgendwie war es die Spielmechanik schon mal besser ...

-> Google Übersetzer
Ich hoffe man versteht es...



Quote from: Fleischtester on December 02, 2018, 07:36:26 AM
somehow my colonists set the priorities wrong.
e.g. Instead of harvesting a field, you would first see a new one.
And they are starving because they do not have enough food.
Priorities are difficult to code, and know which is the "correct" way. Like with repair vs construct. Constructing that destroyed wall is likely more important than repairing the one next to it, but repairing that wall is more important than constructing a stool on the other side of the map.

Which is more important, planting crops or harvesting them? You say planting so they grow faster, but if someone is planting crops while other crops are fully grown and there's no food...
When prioritized, he runs away from his research table, picks exactly one plant, and then goes back to his research table, though fieldwork has set priority. ... "It makes sense!"
I don't know if you mean by "priorty" that you told them to do it so they should do it, or you set the priority higher in the work tab. If the former, you only told them to harvest that one plant so that's what they did. If the latter, then I'd like to see your game save because the way you think it should work is the way it works for me.
Is Difficulty more difficult than Difficulty? <-( "Dieser Satz macht mich wirklich Stolz")
Is the Difficulty-Level "peaceful" more difficult than the Difficulty-Level "easy" ?
I don't know offhand either. But when picking a new game I can tell. Easier modes are higher on the list.
With me, different events alternate. Cold waves, heat waves and plant diseases are particularly annoying if you have little food.
I'm not sure what the problem here is? I've had 2 heat waves in a row before (it sucked) and never really noticed a tendency to alternate. Perhaps you are seeing patterns that aren't there? It's a common problem in people, our brains are wired to notice patterns it's one of the hallmarks of intelligence. But seeing a coin flip heads-tails-heads-tails doesn't mean it will always do that.
I also have a lot of started construction projects. They just do not want to finish building them ... Annoyingly always having to prioritize clicking.
Are you talking crafting projects? Yeah pawns tend to craft part of an item and leave it sit forever. I wish there was a "finish your damn project" priority that was somewhere near Basic on the work priorities.
(the rest was in German. I think you're translating as you go but that's as far as I got and am heading offline soon)
Toolboxifier - Soil Clarifier
I never got how pawns in the game could have such insanely bad reactions to such mundane things.
Then I came to the forums.


Yeah probably used google translate to help.

Anyway he does have a point for the sowing priority. Idk about repairing, but sowing will almost always be preferrable to harvesting. Yes, if your colony is starving harvesting will be a priority at least to get them some meals, but does your colony starve that often ? Even if it does, you can already forbid sowing, so you could solve that problem pretty easily. But if you're trying to optimize your colonists' time so that you can grow as much food as possible in as little time as possible before the next winter, there's no easy solution. I guess you could delete your growing zones and remake them a bit further, but if your crops are walled or you've got hydroponics basins, or are using a limited rich soil area, then it's not ideal.



I always set the priority manually.
Plants (food) for me in the category work always has the 1.
(Only the settler often does not really want that ...)

The year it was a plague that destroyed all plants, this year it was a cold snap. I thought so, great I can still make a harvest, then the winter can come confidently ... Wrong thought.
Right now, there were 2 Crazy Animals that thought they were good at killing several of my settlers. (Only good that I can load ...)
I imagine something else on the gentle degree of swirling.

It may be that the priority is difficult to set, but that's supposed to be a game where the settlers do as much as possible on their own and as a player you really only have to worry about the big picture.

That's not what I think of (Phoebe) Chillout (Chillax). ;)


Ich lege die Priorität immer manuell fest.
Pflanzen (Nahrung) hat für mich in der Kategorie Arbeit immer die 1.
(Nur will der Siedler oftmals nicht so wirklich...)

Das eine Jahr war es eine Seuche die alle Pflanzen vernichtet hat, dieses Jahr war es eine Kältewelle. Ich dachte schon, toll eine Ernte schaffe ich noch, dann kann der Winter getrost kommen...Falsch gedacht.
Jetzt eben gab es 2 Verrückte Tiere, die der Meinung waren mehrere meiner Siedler so gut wie zu töten. (Nur gut das ich laden kann...)
Da stelle ich mir auf dem leichtesten Schwierigkeitsgrad etwas anderes vor.

Mag sein, das die Priorität schwierig einzustellen ist, aber das soll ja eigentlich ein Spiel sein, wo die Siedler möglichst viel allein bewerkstelligen und man sich als Spieler eigentlich nur um das große Ganze kümmern muss.

Das ist auf alle Falle nicht, was ich mir unter  (Phoebe) Chillout (Chillax) vorstelle. ;)
