Using Harmony to Patch Another Mod?

Started by dburgdorf, December 07, 2018, 09:41:06 AM

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(I already posted this question on the "Harmony" thread under "Tools," but figured I'd post here, as well.)

Is there a "trick" that I'm missing when using Harmony to patch a method in another mod instead of in the vanilla code?

I'm trying to patch a very minor change to "Work Tab," so that it and my "Pawns are Capable!" will (hopefully) once again work together nicely, just as a stop-gap until Fluffy can make the change properly. But the patch just seems to be ignored, even though all my other patches (to vanilla code) work just fine. And the Harmony debug log shows that the method I'm trying to patch is unaltered; there's no call added to it to either a prefix or a postfix (both of which I've tried).
- Rainbeau Flambe (aka Darryl Burgdorf) -
Old. Short. Grumpy. Bearded. "Yeah, I'm a dorf."

Buy me a Dr Pepper?


1) post your existing code
2) post errors it gives you

harmony is tool that makes things as easy as possible to used, but nothing stops you from raw injection by GetFunctionPointer() on method you want to replace.

also there are no reasons to use harmony for patching other mods, all that overhead will be no use.