Need help adding a surgery

Started by TranslucenceY, December 17, 2018, 11:02:58 PM

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I am working on a mod that will allow you to extract a brain from a pawn, and in turn uses that brain to construct a device to boost research speed.

I have been digging through, but I haven't been able to figure out how to add in the surgery for brain removal.

I think I have everything else set up, but any help I can get would be much appreciated!


I'll assume you already have a recipe to extract the brain, and that your issue is that your recipe isn't showing up on the pawn.

Add your RecipeDef to the <recipes> list of the Human def using xpath, or add the Human to the recipeUsers of your RecipeDef.


I have that added near the top, but it still doesn't seem to want to show as an option under the surgery bills. Here is what I have put together so far under the RecipeDef:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<RecipeDef Name="SurgeryNatural" ParentName="SurgeryFlesh" Abstract="True">

  <RecipeDef ParentName="SurgeryFlesh">
    <label>Harvest brain</label>
    <description>Remove the brain.</description>
    <jobString>Harvesting brain.</jobString>



<RecipeDef Name="SurgeryNatural" ParentName="SurgeryFlesh" Abstract="True">
  <RecipeDef ParentName="SurgeryFlesh">

I see you define a new parent.

Try actually using it as well.


That is a result of me cutting and pasting from another mod that does something similar while trying to understand how pieces fit together.
since I don't end up using the new parent, and to avoid complicating things I'll have it removed.

I have the recipeUsers moved over to be under the recipe for harvest brain, but still seems to be absent in game. Could there be something else I am missing?


any errors in game?

The alternative I have for you is in my first post here: Add your RecipeDef to the <recipes> list of the Human thingdef using xpath.


No errors, even when I set up a patch for xpath:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Operation Class="PatchOperationSequence">
<li Class="PatchOperationAdd">
<xpath>/Defs/ThingDef[defName = "Human"]/recipes</xpath>
<li Class="PatchOperationAdd">
<xpath>*/ThingDef[defName = "HiTechResearchBench"]/comps/li[@Class="CompProperties_AffectedByFacilities"]/linkableFacilities</xpath>

There might be something else I am missing, but I am at a loss.


I found the issue! Works like a charm.
All I needed to do was xpath into the brain and add a spawnthingonremoved for it to work, since that part does not have it in the first place:

<li Class="PatchOperationAdd">
<xpath>/Defs/BodyPartDef[defName = "Brain"]</xpath>