Looking for infos regarding long loading times with modded games

Started by Kenneth, December 18, 2018, 07:11:59 PM

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Quote from: 2.71828 on February 16, 2019, 03:09:19 PM

I guess it's not that easy, since I already asked for it, as well, and notfood hasn't reacted to that, either. This is of course understandable, since that is neither her mod, nor should it be her that has to fix the game, because that's what this would basically be, if I understand it correctly, i.e. a bugfix mod.

Additionally, none of the Devs (especially Kenneth, who has created this thread), have reacted to any of the three (!) possibilities to speed up loading times that notfood proposed, and Kenneth hasn't been seen in this thread since December 19, although Tynan himself has written that this thread is "fairly critical", because they want to fix this themselves. I guess they're busy doing something else, but it would still be nice if one of the Devs dropped in and maybe told us whether the info that gets posted here is even helpful to them, whether we are supposed to continue posting logs (even if we have posted one already), etc. No one, except myself, has looked at my log and my modlist, by the way, assuming the "downloaded x times" thingy is counting correctly.

I noticed that too, I haven't seen any dev activity here nor any file downloads that weren't done by me :(
Managing to fix this would increase my enjoyment a lot (and give me about an hour extra playtime lol)
Currently I have to pretty much plan when to play Rimworld instead of just launching it when I feel like it.

Please give us an update - even if it's just a simple "working on it".


Hello, this is my modlist. https://pastebin.com/dRrH66WJ
My load times are extreme. I've tried on several machines and and the wait is around one hour.
I think some mod might cause ram or cpu issue, I havent figured out yet.
Also to me RecipeDef 94 is a point where the game loads for a lot.
The game has no big red errors and is somewhat stable, but at some points with bigger events freezes to death.


I went ahead and put nofood's github snippet into my vs 2017 and built it with zero errors using .NET Framwork 3.5 and the latest version of harmony. Hopefully this helps i am going to recompile in the other framworks and test it when I have more time.


Another solution is use Nirsoft.net produkey program to grab your pcs product key, then buy a samsung portable ssd t5 from amazon and use wintousb by haslo to put win 10 on it thru windows installion media iso from Microsoft.com(free downloads) from there should your ram suffice you can boot from that drive in legacy mode and put just your steam program on it.


Quote from: Jonchan1997 on April 13, 2019, 08:25:00 PM
Another solution is use Nirsoft.net produkey program to grab your pcs product key, then buy a samsung portable ssd t5 from amazon and use wintousb by haslo to put win 10 on it thru windows installion media iso from Microsoft.com(free downloads) from there should your ram suffice you can boot from that drive in legacy mode and put just your steam program on it.

Was that just a really awkward way of saying run Windows and Steam on SSD?


Quote from: Ronburgundy on February 15, 2019, 08:15:10 AM
My game with mods loads fine till this point then it sits here for  30+ minutes
here is the config any help would be helpful.

I also want to point out that I too experience that part of the loading time. Once the game reloads the recipe def database at 94, the loading screen takes 30+ minutes for it to progress. I have a total of 241 mods installed. Total load time was approximately 51 minutes.


Log file is attached.

1700X (undervolted, stock frequencies)
16gb DDR4 3200CL14
Antergos, Linux

Load time(s) approx. 20 minutes.

Haven't attempted a Windows install to make OS comparisons.

259 active Mods:


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All these people complaining about 30 min load times :)  I wish my game loaded in 30 mins.

Rough estimate of my load times based on the last time I actually sat by the computer.  4 hours.

Mind you, I'm trying to run with 630 various mods.  I like variety in my game.  If I do just people/animal mods I load quick (well under an hour), if I do just items mods also fairly quick.  Combine the two together I'm loading for hours.

Laggy to play some times but usually stable.   Running steam version, really thinking of getting a stand alone version to load on a second pc, so that if one crashes I can switch to the other while the first PC reloads.

[attachment deleted due to age]


Quote from: Nuclearmayhem on May 06, 2019, 02:13:28 PM
All these people complaining about 30 min load times :)  I wish my game loaded in 30 mins.

Rough estimate of my load times based on the last time I actually sat by the computer.  4 hours.

Mind you, I'm trying to run with 630 various mods.  I like variety in my game.  If I do just people/animal mods I load quick (well under an hour), if I do just items mods also fairly quick.  Combine the two together I'm loading for hours.

Laggy to play some times but usually stable.   Running steam version, really thinking of getting a stand alone version to load on a second pc, so that if one crashes I can switch to the other while the first PC reloads.

This is a bit unbelievable if you mind. Please provide your modlist. So many mods can't be compatible and not overlap. Simply impossible (?)
StarCraft | WarZone 2100 | Civilization | RimWorld | Homeworld - games that deserve your time of life.


Quote from: legendary on May 21, 2019, 02:50:34 AM
This is a bit unbelievable if you mind. Please provide your modlist. So many mods can't be compatible and not overlap. Simply impossible (?)

See attached for mod list.  exported from mod manager  I've cut down on some of mods to get me below 600 (I had a lot of gun mods and decided I really didn't need all of them)  Not counting Core, 585 mods in this list.

It was working with only some errors.  It had some issues with minions chemdef, werewolves not having a peaceful option and some warnings about Adeptus Mechanicus Magos possibly not having weapons due to money limits.

However as of a couple days ago the whole things been borked and my list will reset.  I started to rebuild, got 130+ mods in and something changed and borked again.

When I manage to get a full list going again that works, I think I'm going to make copies of the mods and use my DRM free version so that auto updates on steam don't bork things.

loading time with the new unstable cut down loading to 1 hour 20 mins, and most of that is from Research Pal doing its thing.

[attachment deleted due to age]


Just confirming that indeed the game still loads 800MB of mods in about half an hour.

Kaelen Mosar

Do you recently recive a lot of reports that this game is having a lagspike with a few mods like every 4-5 seconds on max gamespeed, the slower game speed the more time between the spikes. reproducable on different machines with same specs, reproducable on different spec machines.
Steam discussions and comments are full of guys talking about the same problem. all since 1.0 it seems?


Quote from: Kaelen Mosar on November 10, 2019, 02:34:01 PM
Do you recently recive a lot of reports that this game is having a lagspike with a few mods like every 4-5 seconds on max gamespeed, the slower game speed the more time between the spikes. reproducable on different machines with same specs, reproducable on different spec machines.
Steam discussions and comments are full of guys talking about the same problem. all since 1.0 it seems?

Discussed here: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=49133.0
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog

Diana Winters

Ever thought about handling mod lists the same way paradox does? Have a separate menu that launches before the game is loaded where you can select what mods you want to have loaded. That would definitely reduce the need for modifying the config files so I don't need to launch my game, wait for it to load, then re-launch it to add a single mod.


Thought about it; given the technical challenges it won't happen any time soon.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog